Зіставне дослідження засад порівняльної стилістики англійської та української мов і лінгвістики перекладу

Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue


Modern linguistics is characterised by a great interest in contrastive investigations, comparing different aspects of related and distant languages. Due to the development of the linguistic theory of translation, the comparative study of languages is very topical nowadays, creating a basis for the theory and practice of translation as a whole and for translation stylistics in particular. When comparing different aspects of two languages we can improve our knowledge of each language because some specifi c features of the language are explained when compared. Hence, the linguistic theory of translation will be developed by means of studying similar and contrastive aspects of two languages which form a translation pair – the source language and the target language. Stylistic topics play an important role in translation linguistics. Stylistics as a science is connected with translation as an object of linguistic analysis. The two-language character of linguistic translation investigation approximates it with investigation into contrastive stylistics, which studies the functional equivalents of units from different languages.

Authors and Affiliations

Tetiana Ołijnyk


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How To Cite

Tetiana Ołijnyk (2015). Зіставне дослідження засад порівняльної стилістики англійської та української мов і лінгвістики перекладу. Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia, 3(), 153-163. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-245565