
Для філософської рефлексії важливим є залучення біографічного матеріалу до системоутворювальних чинників вітчизняної етнокультурної та національнокультурної традицій. Це дозволяє визначити інтегративні фактори, дія яких і віддзеркалює сучасний соціокультурний простір у контексті глобалізації культуротворення. Все це обумовлює особливості життєтворчості особистості. Використання концепції життєтворчості допомагає окреслити специфіку застосування біографічного методу для розуміння глибинних підвалин культуротворчого процесу та дії компенсаційно-креативної функції культури на матеріалі життєтворчості Г. І. Челпанова. The work deals with the problem of formation of creative personality and his/her creative potential on example of the life and creative legacy of our compatriot, the outstanding Greek G. I. Chelpanov. It was he, who had analyzed the problem of living creativity from a new point of view, by application of the biographical method and biographic analysis, i.e. a type of social and philosophic investigation. Creative potential of a person is to become a component of his/her integral characteristics, based upon such components as social, intellectual and communicative characteristic features of a person. Development of creativity comprises the process of mastering the means, by which he or she can develop human potential to be passed later from generation to generation and which is fixed within the system of cultural means of interaction. Following the recent thorough investigation of creativity in its different dimensions, the author has come to the conclusion that the issues of the development of a creative person has to be integrated into the broad philosophic context, in which a person acts as a cultural object formed under the influence of self-criteria and self-determination in the process of living. This stipulates the relevance of the research topic. An important task for philosophic reflection is the application of biographical material for description and understanding of the current issues of culture creation: the role and significance of creativity in the society, involvement of an individual into the system of social values, determination of the characteristics of social and cultural adaptation of an individual, etc. Generalizing the issues mentioned above is possible in the following manner: it is important for philosophical reflection to relate biographical material to the system-forming factors of national ethnocultural and national cultural traditions. This gives an opportunity to determine integrative factors, its influence reflecting the contemporary social and cultural space within the context of globalization of cultural creation. The analysis of the biographical material, required for realization of our objective, becomes useful when the lifestyle, that shapes individual‟s life path, his/her way of life, his/her life relationships and the like is comprehended. All these form life creativity of personality. At the same time application of the concept of life creativity helps to define the specific character of application of the biographical method for understanding the underlying foundations of the process of cultural creation and the compensatory-creative function of culture on the material of the life and creative style of G. I. Chelpanov. The author come to the conclusion of the necessity of applying the concept of living creativity helps to determine the specific characteristic features for adaptation of the biographical method, which is necessary for correct understanding of deep fundamentals of the process of cultural creation as well as the appropriate different functions of culture.

Authors and Affiliations

Elena Popovych


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Elena Popovych (2016). ЖИТТЄТВОРЧІСТЬ ЯК ПРАКТИКА РОЗШИРЕННЯ ЖИТТЄВОГО СВІТУ (НА МАТЕРІАЛІ ЖИТТЄТВОРЧОСТІ Г. І. ЧЕЛПАНОВА). Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 6(12), 8-18. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432767