Sport has political significance in various ways, such as prestigious meaning of the amount of medals won by athletes from particular countries or political benefits standing behind organizing sports mega-events such as...
The present paper is dedicated to small multicultural Norwegian city of Kirkenes, which because of its history and geographic location became a symbol of Norwegian-
-Russian trans-border cooperation. The text is dedicate...
Tryumf Dionizosa. Rzecz o kulturze politycznej polskiego sarmatyzmu i romantyzmu
Dymisja Jurija Łużkowa – analiza politologiczna
Polityczne implikacje przypisywania politycznego znaczenia starciom sportowców w okresie zimnej wojny
Sport has political significance in various ways, such as prestigious meaning of the amount of medals won by athletes from particular countries or political benefits standing behind organizing sports mega-events such as...
Miasto Kirkenes jako stolica Regionu Barentsa i symbol rosyjsko-norweskiej współpracy transgranicznej
The present paper is dedicated to small multicultural Norwegian city of Kirkenes, which because of its history and geographic location became a symbol of Norwegian- -Russian trans-border cooperation. The text is dedicate...
Kościelno-prawna ochrona zabytków sakralnych w Polsce