Злочинність як об’єкт феноменологічного аналізу
Journal Title: Право і безпека - Year 2015, Vol 58, Issue 3
Проаналізовано системні та феноменологічні засади дослідження злочинності. Розглянуто особливості та сучасні можливості застосування цих методів під час здійснення кримінологіч¬ного аналізу. Проанализированы системные и феноменологические принципы исследования преступности. Рассмотрены особенности и современные возможности применения этих методов во время осуществления криминологического анализа. This article analyzes the system and phenomenological grounds of studying crime. The usage of the systemic method of cognition should not entail groundless recognition of crime as a system with further unsubstantiated conclusions. Crime can be considered as over-summative totality, the properties of which fundamentally can not be reduced to the sum of the properties of its components. These properties are well-known. This totality (institutional, variable, defined by positive law and expressed in activity (social practices) of a certain part of the population) in the educational purposes is usually structured due to the use of the mentioned method. Therefore, in the criminological research one should precisely base on this understanding that makes possible to get rid of eclecticism in the formation of appropriate methodological basis. Besides, cognition of the nature of crime involves the identification and study of a huge number of its various properties and characteristics and establishing among them the main, fundamental ones, which is possible only under the condition of reviewing it as a social phenomenon, because this approach allows to discard the properties, features that are secondary, indirect or are not universal for the studied object. Any other understanding of crime limits the cognition of the essence of this phenomenon by the study of its statistics and relevant regularity of the external manifestations, i.e. actually by the study of the manifestations of phenomenon of crime «from the outside». The recognition of the phenomenological basis of constructing social reality, where there is activity of a part of the society constantly reproduced and provided by the law on criminal liability, reveals a much more productive way of scientific research. Its vector is directed on the internal, intrinsic properties of crime in the unity with the activity basis, rather than on its external manifestations as a phenomenon severed from social practice and its theoretical construct. Considering this, the study of crime as a social phenomenon causes the research of both its manifestations outside and its essence through the establishment of appropriate characteristics and properties.
Authors and Affiliations
О. M. Bandurka
Спеціальні ознаки суб’єкта злочину, передбаченого статтею 330 Кримінального кодексу України
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