Złośliwy guz Trytona nosa – opis przypadku
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 2
Malignant Triton tumor (MTT) is classified as a variant of a malignant peripherial nerve sheath tumor with a focal rhabdomyosarcomatous differentiation. Nearly one third of described MTTs were located at the head and neck region. In following paper we described a case of MTT of the external nose in a 24 year old man. The tumor was totally exised surgically with the broad margins. Histopathological diagnosis of the tumor was made on the surgical specimen, based on immunohistochemical analysis. Radiation therapy as the next step of treatment of choice was performed in presented case.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Potocka, Andrzej Skorek, Ewa Iżycka-Świeszewska
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VII Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa „Zaburzenia Ucha Wewnętrznego i Implantacja Ślimakowa Bodrum, Turcja, 13-16 października 2010