Zmiany w spójności gospodarczej i społecznej niemieckich landów w latach 2000–2015 / Changes in the Economic and Social Cohesion of the German States in the Years 2000–2015

Journal Title: Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne - Year 2018, Vol 107, Issue


The paper seeks to determine the occurrence of economic and social hohesion between German Länder. To achieve this aim, the author used the following methods: analysis of the literature, descriptive statistics, dissipation and clustering analysis. The research is based on data downloaded from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). Four variables were taken into consideration: GDP per capita, gross wages per worker, employment rate and unemployment rate. The study covered the period from 2000 to 2015, including a breakdown in two sub-periods: 2000–2008 (before the global financial crisis) and 2008–2015 (after the start of the crisis). The results of the research show that the disparities in the level of economic and social development between the Länder of Germany (East and West) decrease very slowly, before and after the outbreak of the crisis. In the analyzed period Relatively quick was the process of catching up in the GDP level, then in the level of wages and the slowest in employment and unemployment level. However, despite the catching-up in development, the Eastern and the Western Länder still share a fairly large distance in the basic economic indicators.

Authors and Affiliations

Sławomir Pastuszka


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  • EP ID EP386861
  • DOI 10.26485/SPE/2018/107/18
  • Views 60
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How To Cite

Sławomir Pastuszka (2018). Zmiany w spójności gospodarczej i społecznej niemieckich landów w latach 2000–2015 / Changes in the Economic and Social Cohesion of the German States in the Years 2000–2015. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 107(), 339-357.