Zmiany w udostępnianiu czasopism polskich wyższych uczelni technicznych na przykładzie zasobów De Gruyter Open w BazTech i katalogach OPAC

Journal Title: Bibliotheca Nostra. Śląski Kwartalnik Naukowy - Year 2016, Vol 44, Issue 2


In the face of using various ICTs there are changes in sharing university journals. The standard becomes to search the contents of the journals according to various criteria defi ned by the users with the ability to view, read and write copies of the individual articles. The access to journals and information about them are closely connected with publishing, distribution and development of various projects. The primary source of information about the journals of technical universities, created by librarians are BazTech database and OPAC catalogues. The article attempts to identify changes in the publishing offer and distribution of the Polish technical universities’ journals as well as the change process of sharing libraries. Particular attention was paid to offer online: resources, availability, De Gryuter Open. The issues presented on the basis of the review of De Gruyter Open academic journals in BazTech and the OPACs of libraries surveyed universities which own titles. The research was conducted from June to August 2015.

Authors and Affiliations

Urszula Knop


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How To Cite

Urszula Knop (2016). Zmiany w udostępnianiu czasopism polskich wyższych uczelni technicznych na przykładzie zasobów De Gruyter Open w BazTech i katalogach OPAC. Bibliotheca Nostra. Śląski Kwartalnik Naukowy, 44(2), 112-125.