Зміст дефініції "Обтеження житла чи іншого володіння особи шляхом таємного проникнення в них"
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 81, Issue 1
У статті з метою визначення змісту дефініції «обстеження житла чи іншого володіння особи шляхом таємного проникнення в них» проаналізовано семантичне значення слів, що входять до вказаної дефініції, а також чинні нормативні акти. У результаті проведеного дослідження зроблено висновок, що обстеження житла чи іншого володіння особи шляхом таємного проникнення в них – це один з дозволених законами видів спеціальної діяльності правоохоронних органів, метою якого є отримання первинної оперативно-розшукової інформації, превенція та розслідування злочинів. The article is devoted to determining the content of the survey of housing or other possession of a person by secretly penetrating them in connection with the fact that, despite the provision of a certain status of the examination of housing or other possession of the person by units of the National Police by secretly penetrating them to the domestic legislator in the national legislation, the content is weakly revealed. the filling of the indicated activity, in particular the concepts used in theory and practice (inspection, housing, other possession of the person, penetration), on which the success of the document depends entuvannya or investigate crimes. At the same time, the article defines the semantic meaning of the words "survey", "penetration", "person's dwelling", "other possession of a person" in order to determine the content of the examination of a dwelling or other possession of a person by secretly penetrating them in the first place. Secondly, the normative acts of the current legislation are analyzed, in particular: the Civil and Criminal Procedural Codes of Ukraine, the Housing Code of the RSFSR of June 30, 1983, the Laws of Ukraine of October 8, 1992 "On the Privatization of the State Housing Fund", dated 22.12.2006. On the Complex Reconstruction of Quarters (Neighborhoods) of an Outdated Housing Fund ", dated February 23, 2006: "On the Implementation of the Decisions and Application of the Practice of the European Court of Human Rights", the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Ukraine of November 6, 2009 No. 10" On Judicial Practice in Cases ah on crimes against property ", dated 28.03.2008 №2" On some issues of application by the courts of Ukraine of legislation when granting permits for the temporary restriction of certain constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen during the conduct of operational-search activities, inquiry and pre-trial investigation ", the resolution Council of Ministers of the USSR dated April 26, 1984, No. 189 "On the procedure for inspection of the condition of residential buildings in order to establish their compliance with sanitary and technical requirements and the recognition of residential buildings and dwellings unsuitable for living", p Class Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 13.04.2011 number 461 "On the Procedure for the commissioning of completed construction projects." As a result of the correlation of the normative definition of "housing of the person" noted the problematic aspects, in particular, that in Part 2 of Art. 233 CPC of Ukraine provided incomplete definition of the content of the concept of "housing", in connection with which there is a need to eliminate this disadvantage. As a result of the study, it was concluded that examination of housing or other possession of a person through secret access to them is one of the permitted laws of the types of special activities of law enforcement agencies whose purpose is to obtain primary operational intelligence information, prevention and investigation of crimes.
Authors and Affiliations
Сергій Данилович Подгородний
Порівняльний аналіз терористичних та організованих злочинних об’єднань
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