Зміст поняття «розвідувальне опитування»

Journal Title: Право і безпека - Year 2015, Vol 59, Issue 4


Розглянуто погляди радянських, вітчизняних та зарубіжних учених на зміст поняття «розвідувальне опитування». Виокремлено дискусійні аспекти, які впливають на існування полеміки навколо дефініції «розвідувальне опитування» та на неоднозначне розуміння її змісту серед науковців і практичних працівників. Рассмотрены мнения советских, отечественных и зарубежных учёных относительно содержания понятия «разведывательный опрос». Выделены дискуссионные аспекты, влияющие на существование полемики вокруг дефиниции «разведывательный опрос» и на неоднозначное понимание её содержания среди учёных и практических работников. The points of view of Soviet, domestic and foreign scholars on the content of the concept of «reconnaissance survey» have been considered. Debatable aspects that affect the existence of the controversy around the definition of «reconnaissance survey» and on the ambiguous understanding of its content among scholars and practitioners have been outlined. Having analyzed various scientific approaches it is found out that the term «survey» in operative and search activities should include a number of mandatory elements that fully reflect its essence, in particular, the legal nature, tasks, subject, object, the character of the received information. However, so far a number of debate issues relating to the content of the concept of «reconnaissance survey» within operative and search activities has not been resolved yet. The fact is that so far there is no consensus among domestic specialists in the field of operative and search activities regarding the expediency of referring reconnaissance survey to the method of operative and search activities or operative and search measure, as well as the use of its single name – «reconnaissance survey» or «operative interviewing». It has been grounded that the reconnaissance survey should not be considered as the primary mean of receiving initial operative and search information due to the presence of stable and clear definition of operative and search means. As a result of the conducted research the author has suggested the definition of the content of the concept of «reconnaissance survey», which should be understood as operative and search measure carried out in the form of open or secret direct or indirect communication of the subjects of operative and search activities or other persons (according to the tasks or instructions of authorized persons) with objects of operative and search activities in order to obtain or verify the information necessary to meet the challenges of operative and search activities.

Authors and Affiliations

S. A. Kupenko


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How To Cite

S. A. Kupenko (2015). Зміст поняття «розвідувальне опитування». Право і безпека, 59(4), 93-98. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-266019