Znaczenie angiografii i embolizacji w leczeniu malformacji naczyniowych głowy i szyi w materiale Kliniki Otolaryngologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 1
Angiography is an invasive, radiological investigation of vascular system. It plays an important role within variety of diagnostic tools in head and neck pathologies. In selected cases with well defined tumor supply vessels, angiography may be combined with intravascular obliteration. This possibility widen indications, which comprise diagnostic arteriographies – visualization of blood supply and extension of vascularization; therapeutic and diagnostic arteriographies – palliative or radical in character, dependent on pathology; and therapeutic angiographies as adjuvant therapy prior to surgical treatment. Authors present their experience with endovascular techniques application in head and neck pathologies. Material comprised 59 angiographies performed in patients treated at Otolaryngology Department at Poznań University of Medical Sciences between 2000–2007. In conclusion authors emphasize advantages and disadvantages, as well as, the role of the endovascular treatment in head and neck surgery.
Authors and Affiliations
Maciej Wróbel, Tomasz Kopeć, Robert Juszkat, Witold Szyfter, Łukasz Borucki
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