Zrównoważony rozwój a rozwój obszarowy miast w Polsce – zagadnienia społeczno-prawne (na przykładzie miasta Rzeszowa)
Journal Title: Studia Iuridica - Year 2018, Vol 78, Issue
The author presents the concepts of sustainable development in Poland on the example of Rzeszow, from the legal analysis to the social concept. Sustainable development is a process of change that ensures the needs of the present generation without diminishing the development opportunities of future generations. The area development of cities is closely related to the sustainable development. For this reason, in the further part of the study, a short genesis of the development of Rzeszów is presented, with attention paid to the maintenance of sustainable development. In conclusion, the author shows the de lega ferenda conclusions, such as: the city authorities should pay more attention to the issue of introducing certain restrictions in the field of CO² emissions by reducing vehicular traffic in the city center, finding alternative means of public transport. The construction of large housing estates on the areas newly connected to the administrative borders of the city also seems to be reasonable. With a balanced area development of the city, it is important to enact and introduce an appropriate spatial development plan.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Konrad Kędzierski
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