Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne i zmienność odpływu w zlewniach fliszowych na obszarze Masywu Babiej Góry


The paper refers to spatial diversity and lability of outflow from Flysh type drainage basins. It also shows dynamics of mean and high discharge by defining the trend, the variability index and the periodicity of the hydrological parameters mentioned. The research has been taken in the partial drainage basins located in the upper drainage basin of Skawica (the streams of Czatożanka, Marków Potok, Rybny Potok, Jaworzyna) and in the upper drainage basin of Czarna Orawa (Kiczorka) at the Babia Góra slopes. The analyzed two-year period (2012–2013) has been characterized comparing to the multiannual period of 1973–2014. The hydrological and meteorological data have been obtained due to monitoring of the hydrological environment of Babiogórski National Park. The database includes the data gained from The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management research. Poland is the one of the less water-rich European countries. The unit outflow is only 5.5 dm3 · s-1·km-2 (Fall 1997). The water outflow is very space and time varied through the whole country. The outflow from drainage basins of Babia Góra area is one of the biggest in Poland (about 30 dm3 ·s-1·km-2). The outflow index (rate of outflow?) from Babia Góra area is 88% per annum, which distinguishes this area from the Beskidy Mountains. During the winter semester the outflow index is 12.7% and during the summer semester it is 70% (Łajczak). The outflow index and the seasonal lability of the outflow from the particular Babia Góra drainage basins are very varied which is the most noticeable between the northern and southern slopes located drainage basins, however the variety is also very clear to observe from the east to the west direction. The analyzed cycle were a general low-flow period including one thaw flood within this period (2012s) and several minor floods caused by severe rainfalls (2013s). The maximum unit outflow during the flood has been noticed in Czatożanka drainage basin and the minimum unit outflow has been noticed in Kiczorka drainage basin. The highest annual average unit outflow occurred within Marków Potok, and the lowest annual average unit outflow occurred within Czatożanka. The drainage basins located at the northern slopes of Babia Góra were characterized by big seasonal outflow fluctuation between winter and summer semesters. Only at the southern slopes in the Kiczorka drainage basin the outflow was not much varied comparing the particular semesters.

Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Franczak, Michał Hudyka, Krzysztof Buczek, Marek Górnik


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  • EP ID EP402670
  • DOI 10.17951/b.2015.70.1.95
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How To Cite

Paweł Franczak, Michał Hudyka, Krzysztof Buczek, Marek Górnik (2015). Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne i zmienność odpływu w zlewniach fliszowych na obszarze Masywu Babiej Góry. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio B - Geographia, Geologia, Mineralogia et Petrographia, 0(1), 95-116. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-402670