Жуки-мертвоеды (Coleoptera, Silphidae) агроценозов Украины
Journal Title: Український ентомологічний журнал - Year 2010, Vol 1, Issue 1
Burying-beetles (Coleoptera, Silphidae) in agrocenosises of Ukraine. O.V. Puchkov Faunistic and ecological structure of the burying-beetles of agricultural fields of Ukraine are given. 16 species from 6 genera were enregistered, but only 5-6 species from 4 genera of them are usual. Ecological structure of burying-beetles as regards to humidity, habitats, aggregations on the fields and influence of some agrotechnical and chemical factors are discussed. Key of imago of burying-beetles is given.
Authors and Affiliations
Александр Пучков
Василий Георгиевич Пучков — Основоположник гемиптерологии в Украине
In memory of Dr. V.G. Puchkov
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