„Zwiebelknopffibeln” din complexul de fortificaţii romane târzii de la Ibida, provincia Scythia („Zwiebelknopffibeln” uncovered in the Late Roman fortifications of Ibida, Province of Scythia)

Journal Title: Arheologia Moldovei - Year 2016, Vol 39, Issue 1


The Late Roman complex of fortifications at Ibida (today’s Slava Rusă, Tulcea County) has provided in the last 15 years of systematic archaeological excavations a variety of "small-find" artefacts. Among the clothing accessories, brooches play an important role and the crossbow fibulas or Zwiebelknopffibeln are, by far, the best represented in the Late Roman period. This study analyses 16 pieces included in this last category, with three types and several variants and which chronological cover the entire 4th century AD. Frequently, the identification of such artefacts, especially in closed complexes, such as the tombs, can be extremely useful in the rendering of many ancient daily-life aspects. On the basis of the analysis of these objects several interesting conclusions can be drawn regarding the military presence in the central region of the Scythia province, the everyday life in a city at the boundary of the Empire, the possible the social stratification that could be flipped through such clothing accessories, the techniques of manufacturing such accessories, as well as their circulation over very large distances within the Lower Danube area and beyond.

Authors and Affiliations

Dan Aparaschivei


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How To Cite

Dan Aparaschivei (2016). „Zwiebelknopffibeln” din complexul de fortificaţii romane târzii de la Ibida, provincia Scythia („Zwiebelknopffibeln” uncovered in the Late Roman fortifications of Ibida, Province of Scythia). Arheologia Moldovei, 39(1), 231-248. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-461630