The paper deals with a famous critical controversy of Poland’s interbellum period, the polemic about what Karol Irzykowski called “nonunderstandableness,” stirred up by his article Niezrozumialstwo (1924). Begun on the p...
The main goal of the article is approaching the peculiar character of Leszek Kołakowski’s textual activities. Polish philosopher used the most important textes of European culture (especially the Bible) to create his own...
The author analyzes the exercises in Polish creative writing guides, involving imagination, sensitivity and empathy. The article is an attempt to answer the question: what is the role of exercise in the stimulation of th...
The article is a review of selected concepts concerning Polish literature of post–war resettlement of so-called Recovered Territories (1945−1989). The review allows to characterize the literary narrative about postwar di...
EP ID EP181955
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How To Cite
Michał Wróblewski (2016). _życie literackie w sieci. Pisarze, instytucje i odbiorcy
wobec przemian technologicznych. Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich, 59(2),
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“Clarity is a Fiction Made of the Fabric of Chaos”: Irzykowski Nonunderstandableness
The paper deals with a famous critical controversy of Poland’s interbellum period, the polemic about what Karol Irzykowski called “nonunderstandableness,” stirred up by his article Niezrozumialstwo (1924). Begun on the p...
Filozof czyta teksty kultury, albo dlaczego zapominamy o Kołakowskim
The main goal of the article is approaching the peculiar character of Leszek Kołakowski’s textual activities. Polish philosopher used the most important textes of European culture (especially the Bible) to create his own...
Romans paranormalny
Wyobraźnia, empatia i twórcze pisanie / Imagination, Empathy and Creative Writing
The author analyzes the exercises in Polish creative writing guides, involving imagination, sensitivity and empathy. The article is an attempt to answer the question: what is the role of exercise in the stimulation of th...
Literatura dotycząca powojennych przesiedleń na tzw. Ziemie Odzyskane – przegląd koncepcji badawczych i próba definicji / The Literature of Postwar Resettlement on so-called Recovered Territories – Review of the Concepts and Definition Attempt
The article is a review of selected concepts concerning Polish literature of post–war resettlement of so-called Recovered Territories (1945−1989). The review allows to characterize the literary narrative about postwar di...