“Friends-and-neighbors voting”, that is, the tendency of voters to support local candidates
(even in national elections) is a phenomenon known from a number of
democracies. In this short article I focus on three constitu...
The article raises a quite important issue, hardly present in Polish scientific literature
– the relation between presidential elections and the party system. This is an attempt
to show how the party indicates the presid...
Nam współcześni: Machiavelli, Hobbes i Rousseau. Recenzja książki Johna Plamenatza, Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Rousseau, pod redakcją Marka Philpa i Zbigniewa A. Pełczyńskiego (Oxford University Press, 2012)
„Głosowanie przyjacielsko-sąsiedzkie”: Przyczynek do badań w kontekście polskim
“Friends-and-neighbors voting”, that is, the tendency of voters to support local candidates (even in national elections) is a phenomenon known from a number of democracies. In this short article I focus on three constitu...
Nota redakcyjna do tekstu Juliana Hochfelda
Relacje między wyborami prezydenckimi a systemem partyjnym w Polsce
The article raises a quite important issue, hardly present in Polish scientific literature – the relation between presidential elections and the party system. This is an attempt to show how the party indicates the presid...
Recenzja książki Anny Budzanowskiej Charles Maurras. Twórca nacjonalizmu integralnego (Kraków: Księgania Akademicka, 2014)