فقه و اصول
Print ISSN: 2008-9139
Electronic ISSN: None
Change of Fatwā and its Backgrounds in Sunnī Jurisprudence
Journal title: فقه و اصول
Authors: ‘Abd Al-SalāM ImāMī, ḤUsayn Naserī Muqaddam
The Core Concept of Astarābādī’s Intellectual System and its Reflection in Biography (Tarājum) Sources
Journal title: فقه و اصول
Authors: ḤAmīD Rezā Sharī‘AtmadāRī, Sayyid Mahdī ṬAbāṭAbā’ī
A Jurisprudential Research in Material Value and Ownership of News in Mass Media and the Rights Resulting from it
Journal title: فقه و اصول
Authors: MuḥAmmad Taqī Fakhla‘ī, IḥSāN ‘Alī Akbarī BāBūKāNī
Reappraisal of the Nature and Evidences of Waging War (Muḥāriba) in Crimes against Public Order
Journal title: فقه و اصول
Authors: Sayyida Qudsiya MūSavī Mashhadī, Sayyid MuḥAmmad Mahdī QabūLī DurafshāN, MuḥAmmad ḤAsan Ḥā’Irī
Interaction of Value and Reality in Creating Legal Rule
Journal title: فقه و اصول
Authors: MarḍIya Nikū’ī
Legal-Judicial Study of the Verdict on Multiple Crimes resulting from a Single Strike
Journal title: فقه و اصول
Authors: YūSuf NūRā’ī, MuḥAmmad HāDī ṢāDiqī ṢāDiqī
A new Attitude in Criticism of the Validity of Reliable Tradition
Journal title: فقه و اصول
Authors: MuḥAmmad RasūL ĀHangarāN
Treatment with Muḥarramāt (Forbidden Things)
Journal title: فقه و اصول
Authors: Akbar AḥMadpūR
Interference of Punishments in Multiple Offences Deserving Legal Punishment and its Challenges
Journal title: فقه و اصول
Authors: Zahrā AḥMadī
The Prophet’s (S.A.W.) Actual (Fi‘lī) Tradition and its Status in Inference of Rulings from the Viewpoint of the Two Major Sects (Farīqayn)
Journal title: فقه و اصول
Authors: FāṭIma ArdistāNī, ‘ĀBidīN Mu’Minī
Familial Immunity in Offences against Properties and Ownership
Journal title: فقه و اصول
Authors: ‘Alī MurāD ḤAydarī
A Research on the Concept and Reliability of Fixed Way of Religionists (Irtikāz al-Mutisharri‘a) as Explained by Shī‘a Jurists’
Journal title: فقه و اصول
Authors: AbulfaḍL ‘AlīShāHī Qal‘AjūQī
Examination of the Evidences for the Legitimacy of Buying and Selling Body Organs in Shī‘a Jurisprudence
Journal title: فقه و اصول
Authors: MuḥAmmad Taqī Fakhla‘ī, Sayyid ‘Alī JabbāR GulbāGhī MāSūLa JabbāR GulbāGhī MāSūLa