Lekowrażliwość szczepów Proteus mirabilis izolowanych od bociana białego (Ciconia ciconia) Journal title: Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia Authors: Joanna Kwiecińska-Piróg, Tomasz Bogiel, Eugenia Gospodarek Subject(s):
Legal and organizational aspects of the practice of complementary and alternative medicine in selected countries Journal title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science Authors: Piotr Teklak, Ewa Węgrzyn, Edyta Szczuka Subject(s):
Aspekty prawno-organizacyjne praktykowania medycyny komplementarnej i alternatywnej w wybranych krajach Journal title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science Authors: Piotr Teklak, Ewa Węgrzyn, Edyta Szczuka Subject(s):
Contribution to the history and prospects of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in Poland Journal title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science Authors: Ewa Danuta Białek Subject(s):
Przyczynek do historii i perspektyw medycyny komplementarnej i alternatywnej (CAM) w Polsce Journal title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science Authors: Ewa Danuta Białek Subject(s):
Zmiany poziomów greliny, leptyny i cytokin prozapalnych w wyniku leczenia pacjentów z zespołem obturacyjnego bezdechu sennego (OSAS) Journal title: Otolaryngologia Polska Authors: Sante De Santis, Jacopo Cambi, Patrizio Tatti, Luisa Bellussi, Desiderio Passali Subject(s):
Changes in ghrelin, leptin and proinflammatory cytokines after therapy in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) patients Journal title: Otolaryngologia Polska Authors: Sante De Santis, Jacopo Cambi, Patrizio Tatti, Luisa Bellussi, Desiderio Passali Subject(s):
Analiza mikrokrążenia w procesie gojenia rany po zastosowaniu lasera CO2 w terapii stomatitis prothetica hyperplastica fibrosa Journal title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) Authors: Joanna Ryniewicz, Wojciech Ryniewicz, Jolanta Loster, Maciej Rogala, Bartłomiej Loster Subject(s):
Analysis of microcirculation in the wound healing process after carbon dioxide laser therapy of stomatitis prothetica hyperplastica fibrosa Journal title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) Authors: Joanna Ryniewicz, Wojciech Ryniewicz, Jolanta Loster, Maciej Rogala, Bartłomiej Loster Subject(s):
Efficacy of conservative treatment for obstractive sleep apnoea: A literature review Journal title: Prosthodontics Authors: Monika Wojda, Jolanta Kostrzewa-Janicka Subject(s):
The role of the ICF-CP functional diagnosis of a child with cerebral palsy during biopsychosocial rehabilitation under the Conductive Education System Journal title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna Authors: Katarzyna Nowak Subject(s):
Predicting 6-week mortality after acute variceal bleeding: role of classification and regression tree analysis Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: José Altamirano, Laura Zapata, Salvador Agustin, Alberto Gonzalez-Angulo, Ana Ortiz, Louis Deg... Subject(s):
On the cusp of change: New therapeutic modalities for HCV Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: Maribel Rodríguez-Torres Subject(s):
Contrast-induced acute kidney injury in cirrhotic patients. A retrospective analysis Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: Wajima Safi, Isabel Rauscher, Andreas Umgelter Subject(s):
CSR IN FAMILY FIRMS Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Humanitas Zarządzanie Authors: Jan Klimek, Jacek Lipiec Subject(s):