MUSLIM WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS’ MOTIVATION IN SMES: A QUANTITATIVE STUDY IN ASIA PACIFIC COUNTRIES Journal title: Asian Economic and Financial Review Authors: Ilhaamie Abdul Ghani Azmi| Associate Professor Dr, Department of Syariah and Management, Academy of... Subject(s): Economics, Finance and Financial Services
ARE TUNISIAN AND EGYPTIAN SHARE IPO MARKETS HOT OR COLD? Journal title: Asian Economic and Financial Review Authors: A. Kammoun Abdelmoula*| High Institute of Business Administration of Sfax (ISAAS), Sfax University,... Subject(s): Economics, Finance and Financial Services
COASIAN THEOREM, PUBLIC DOMAIN, AND PROPERTY RIGHTS PROTECTION Journal title: Asian Economic and Financial Review Authors: Yiming He| Division of Resource Management, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506, USA; Col... Subject(s): Economics, Finance and Financial Services
GAUGING MALAYSIAN CONSUMERS PERSPECTIVES ABOUT CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Journal title: Asian Economic and Financial Review Authors: Karpal Singh Dara, Singh*| Sentral College Penang, Malaysia, Md. Aminul Islam| School of Business In... Subject(s): Economics, Finance and Financial Services
TRAMADOL - A LOCAL ANAESTHETIC WITH A DIFFERENCE Journal title: Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research Authors: Madhuri S. Kurdi| M.D, Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences,... Subject(s): Biomedicine, Pharmacology
THE ETHNOGRAPHIC MAP OF THE SOUTH CAUCASUS, INCLUDING KARS IN THE 80-90S OF THE XIX CENTURY Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Memmedova İrade Malik kızı*| Doç. Dr., Azerbaycan Milli Bilimler Akademisi A.A.Bakıhanov adına Tarih... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
About the History of the Azerbaijani-Georgian Relations (1920 - 1921) Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Şamil RAHMANZADE*| Arş. Gör., Azerbeycan Milli Bilimler Akademisi, Tarih Enstitüsü, Tarih Bölümü, sh... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
The Promised Land In Anatolia: Urfa Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Mehmet Alparslan KÜÇÜK| Doç. Dr., Gazi Üniversitesi Turizm Fakültesi Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
Transforming Jesus into “Messiah”: The Idea of Messianism in Messianic Judaism Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Ramazan ADIBELLİ| Doç. Dr., Erciyes Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
Isolation of Russia in the Shade of 19th Century Balkan’s Politics Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Gülnar KARA| Yrd. Doç. Dr., Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Serap... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
Geoeconomic Imaginations: The Perception of China’s New Silk Road Initiative in Central Asia Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Timuçin KODAMAN| Prof. Dr., Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi timuc... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
Economic Sanctions on Russia and The Effects of Air Crisis with Turkey Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Akif ABDULLAH| Yrd. Doç. Dr., Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Emirdağ Meslek Yüksekokulu aabdullah@aku.e... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
CANINE HYPOTHYROIDISM, PRESENTATION OF ATYPIC CASE Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Juan Carlos Ballut P*| Universidad de Córdoba, Facultad de Medicina y Zootecnia, Departamento de Med... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
IN VITRO PRELIMINARY IDENTIFICATION OF PROBIOTIC PROPERTIES OF S. cerevisiae STRAINS Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Ana Rubio M, Microbiol| Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Micr... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
AISLAMIENTO DE Rickettsia bellii A PARTIR DE GARRAPATAS Amblyomma ovale Y Amblyomma incisum PROCEDENTES DEL SUR DE BRASIL Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Richard Pacheco, Ph.D *| University of São Paulo, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, São Paulo, SP, Bra... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering