CT study of surgical anatomy of hepatic veins-application in liver transplantation surgery Journal title: Medpulse International Journal of Anatomy Authors: A V Bhingardeo, S Khambatta Subject(s):
Rozszerzenie Euroazjatyckiej Unii Gospodarczej: trudności i perspektywy – część I Journal title: Monitor Prawa Celnego i Podatkowego Authors: Genadij M. Brovka Subject(s):
Rozszerzenie Euroazjatyckiej Unii Gospodarczej: trudności i perspektywy – część II Journal title: Monitor Prawa Celnego i Podatkowego Authors: Genadij M. Brovka Subject(s):
مقایسه همبستگی سن، طول و وزن با تراکم جیوه در عضله دو گونه ماهی؛ شیربت و حمری از ماهیان رودخانه مارون بهبهان Journal title: آب و فاضلاب Authors: Mahnaz Momtazan, Mehrnaz Asefi, Rasool Zamaniahmadmahmoodi Subject(s):
A Survey on Machine Learning Algorithms Journal title: International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering Authors: Sunpreet Kaur, Sonika Jindal Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Geophysics, Aerospace Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Innovation, Information Technology
A study of 25 cases role of CT scan in acute abdomen in emergency Journal title: MedPulse -International Medical Journal Authors: Pankaj Pandor, Kalpesh Parmar, Himanshu Soni Subject(s):
Спогади жінок як джерело вивчення Революції Гідності / Memories of women as a source of study of the Revolution of Dignity Journal title: Історичні студії суспільного прогресу Authors: Alona Brovko Subject(s):
Study of acute undifferentiated fever cases and their etiologies in rural Konkan area of Maharashtra state Journal title: Walawalkar International Medical Journal Authors: Suvarna Patil, S. P. Korochikar Subject(s):
International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine, Research & Clinical Center for Infertility, Bouali Ave, Safayeh, Yazd, Iran. P.O. Box, 89195-999. Journal title: International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine Authors: Tahmineh Farajkhoda Subject(s):
Disputation of Traditionists with Legal Theoreticians over the Validity of External Meanings Journal title: فقه و اصول Authors: Mohammad Hassan Mohammadi Mozaffar, MuḥAmmad KāẓIm ShāKir Subject(s):
Issues of implementation of PACE Resolution no. 1900(2012) “The definition of ‘political prisoner’” in national criminal and criminal procedural legislation Journal title: Юридические науки и образование Authors: Sevinj Ismailova Subject(s):
Elucidation and Study of the Expanse of Appearance and Indication of the Āya on the Permissibility of Polygamy Journal title: فقه و اصول Authors: Sayyid MaḥMūD ṢāDiqzāDa ṬBāṭAbā’ī Subject(s):
DOMINANTS OF INSTITUTIONAL MODERNIZATION OF FINANCIAL SYSTEM OF UKRAINIAN Journal title: Вісник Київського національного торговельно-економічного університету Authors: Anatoliy MAZARAKI, Svitlana VOLOSOVІCH Subject(s):
SRR shape dual band CPW-fed monopole antenna for WiMAX / WLAN applications Journal title: Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication Authors: Zahra Mansouri, Ramezan Ali Sadeghzadeh, Maryam Rahimi, Ferdows B. Zarrabi Subject(s):