Świat zwierząt w wierszach Jana Twardowskiego i ich rosyjskich przekładach Journal title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA Authors: Beata Edyta Dworakowska Subject(s):
Opinion about health issues regarding Transgenic Farm animals Journal title: Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Authors: Muhammad Imran Qadir Subject(s):
THE METHODOLOGY EDUCATION PRACTICES OF “HYGIENE ANIMAL” ON FACULTY VETERINARY MEDICINE Journal title: Професійно-прикладні дидактики Authors: А.Р. Konyahin ,, А.А. Reshetnyk, S.V. Layter-Moskalyuk Subject(s):
COMPARATIVE STUDY ON FEED FORMULATION SOFTWARE- A SHORT REVIEW Journal title: International journal of research -GRANTHAALAYAH Authors: Subject(s):
Biodiversity of Avifauna in Mumbri Creek of South Konkan, Deogad Taluka, Maharashtra Journal title: International Journal of Life Science Authors: e HM Dekat, RN Baviskar Subject(s):
HOW TO REDUCE IMPACT OF PESTICIDES IN AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT Journal title: International journal of research -GRANTHAALAYAH Authors: Subject(s):
Dynamics of population and radioactive contamination of hunting hoofed animals in Zhytomyr Polissya forests after Chernobyl accident Journal title: Лісівництво і агролісомеліорація Authors: V. Krasnov, I. Gulyk, T. Kurbet Subject(s):
Renal Morphological Changes in Experimental Systemic Vasculitis: Relation to Nephrotoxic Microelements Journal title: Нирки Authors: T.B. Bevzenko Subject(s):
The negative impact of scientific ideology on education about the moral status of animals Journal title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny Authors: Dorota Probucka Subject(s):
Zoo animals’ disease pattern in a university zoological garden, Ibadan, Nigeria Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease Authors: Subject(s):
Soil transmitted helminths in animals – how is it possible for human transmission? Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease Authors: Subject(s):
СКЛАД НАРОДНИХ НАЗВ РОСЛИН І ТВАРИН У ГОВОРІ БАЧВАНСЬКИХ РУСНАКІВ* Journal title: Філологічний часопис Authors: Оксана Тимко-Дітко Subject(s):
Haematological Changes Associated With Hepatitis E Virus Seropositivity among Human and Animal Subjects in Plateau State, Nigeria Journal title: International Blood Research & Reviews Authors: S. A. Junaid Subject(s):
ZOEPOLIS. W stronę dizajnu poza paradygmatem antropocentrycznym Journal title: Kultura Popularna Authors: Monika Rosińska, Agata Szydłowska Subject(s):
Estimation Method of the Total Number of Wild Animals based on Modified Jolly’s Method Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Kohei Arai, Takashi Higuchi, Tetsuya Murakami Subject(s):