O ANTIESCRAVISMO DA ILUSTRAÇÃO EM ADAM SMITH E JOSÉ DA SILVA LISBOA Journal title: Revista Foco Authors: Rafaela Domingos Lago| Doutoranda pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal... Subject(s): Business Administration, Economics, Accountancy, Entrepreneurship, Finance and Financial Services, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Adam Smith, the Impartial Spectator and Embodiment: Towards an Economics of Accountability and Dialogue Journal title: Religions Authors: Mark Rathbone Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Reconciling Economy with Philosophy: Amartya Sen’s Reading of Adam Smith Journal title: insan & toplum Authors: Adem Levent Subject(s):
Unintended Consequences – Chosen Aspects: Adam Smith vs Bernard Mandeville Journal title: Ruch Filozoficzny Authors: Anna Markwart Subject(s):
ADAM SMITH'S VIEWS AND THEORIES ON CATEGORY “FIXED ASSETS” Journal title: Scientific journal «International Journal of Philology» Authors: L Shynkaruk Subject(s):
Adam Smith on Philosophy and Religion Journal title: Ruch Filozoficzny Authors: Craig Smith Subject(s):
Adam Smith on Institutions for Instruction Journal title: Ruch Filozoficzny Authors: Anna Markwart Subject(s):
Ahmet Mithat Efendi’nin “Hallu’l-Ukad” Adlı Eserinde Avrupalı İktisatçılara Yaklaşımı Journal title: Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Authors: Engin ÇAĞMAN Subject(s): Linguistics, Social Sciences, Folklore, Literature, Languages and Literature, Philology, Cultural Studies, Literary Theory & Criticism
Path to Lasting Peace Journal title: JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN PHYSICS Authors: Asghar Reisi Subject(s):
Un análisis crítico-filosófico sobre los fundamentos de la asociatividad empresarial como un proceso de empatía Journal title: Revista Virtual Universidad Católica del Norte Authors: Carlos Fernando Parra Moreno, Ricardo Antonio Sánchez Cárcamo Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences