Profiling Flight Performance of Young Racing Pigeons (Columba Livia) in Training Journal title: Journal of Veterinary Healthcare Authors: Scullion F.T, M.G. Scullion Subject(s):
Lift & Drag Reductions on Iced Wings during Take Off and Landing with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Journal title: American journal of Engineering Research Authors: Ian R. McAndrew FRAeS, PhD Subject(s):
Analysis of Improvement in Aerodynamics of a Vehicle Type Baja SAE - And the Impact on Performance Journal title: American journal of Engineering Research Authors: Rafael Luiz Delmunde1 ;, Huemerson Maceti2 ;, Celso Luis Levada3 ;, William Douglas Paes Coelho³ Subject(s):
Drag coefficient modelling in the context of small launcher optimisation Journal title: INCAS BULLETIN Authors: Alexandru-Iulian ONEL, Tudorel-Petronel AFILIPOAE, Ana-Maria NECULAESCU, Mihai-Victor PRICOP Subject(s):
C.F.D. Analysis of Modern Cars: A Comparative Study Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: Priyabrata Adhikary, Asis Mazumdar Subject(s):
Determination of Drag Coefficient for Hyundai Model Using the Strain Gauge Method Journal title: IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) Authors: Abdessamed Kacem, Ali Najim Abdullah Subject(s):
COMPUTATIONAL STUDY OF THE UNSTEADY FLOW STRUCTURES AROUND TWO VEHICLES Journal title: Journal of Industrial Design and Engineering Graphics Authors: TUTUNEA Dragos, BICA Marin, DIMA Alexandru Subject(s):
ISOLATED AERODYNAMIC SURFACE CALCULUS Journal title: Journal of Industrial Design and Engineering Graphics Authors: ENUŞ Marilena Subject(s):
Missile Grid Fins Analysis using Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Systematic Review Journal title: INCAS BULLETIN Authors: Nayhel SHARMA, Rakesh KUMAR Subject(s):
Nonlinear Lifting-Line Model using a Vector Formulation of the Unsteady Kutta-Joukowski Theorem Journal title: INCAS BULLETIN Authors: Oliviu SUGAR GABOR Subject(s):
SIMILARITY PARAMETRICAL METHOD TO CALCULATE AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS FOR SAVONIUS ROTORS Journal title: Електроніка та системи управління Authors: Anwar Ziganshin Subject(s):
Research into the impact of structural features of combustion chamber in energy-technological units on their operational efficiency Journal title: Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий Authors: Valeriy Nikolsky, Olga Oliynyk, Viktor Ved, Andrii Pugach, Ramzan Turluev, Oleksandr Alieksandrov, V... Subject(s):
Adaptation of Engineering and Transport Infrastructure of the City for the People with Limited Mobility Needs: Research and Experimental Design Development Scientists Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering And Architecture Journal title: Современное промышленное и гражданское строительство Authors: Evgen Gorokhov, Nickolaу Sholukh, Volodymyr Vasylev, Tamara Chernysheva, Alina Nad’iarna Subject(s):
АЕРОДИНАМІЧНИЙ ОБРИС НАДУВНИХ НЕСУЧИХ ПОВЕРХОНЬ ЛІТАКА Journal title: Механіка гіроскопічних систем Authors: Дмитро Миколайович Зінченко, Р. Р. Діденко Subject(s):
Aerodynamic characteristics of the experimental flying model with a hybrid soft skin surface Journal title: Механіка гіроскопічних систем Authors: Gurkan Ortamevzi,, Дмитрий Николаевич Зинченко Subject(s):