The use of elements of aggression replacement training in the treatment of a boy with behavioral and emotional disorders and ADHD Journal title: Psychoterapia Authors: Beata Piskor-Świerad Subject(s):
Wykorzystanie elementów treningu zastępowania agresji w terapii chłopca z zaburzeniami zachowania i emocji oraz ADHD Journal title: Psychoterapia Authors: Beata Piskor-Świerad Subject(s):
The Effectiveness of the Aggression Replacement Training in the Context of Externality and Internality Disorders of Adolescents at Risk of Social Maladjustment Journal title: Theory and Practice of Social Systems Management Authors: Paweł KOZŁOWSKI Subject(s): Social Sciences
Cyberagresja w szkole – wyzwania dla nauczycieli Cyberaggression at School – Challenges for Teachers Journal title: Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka Authors: ZDZISŁAW BARTKOWICZ, ANDRZEJ CHUDNICKI Subject(s):