¿Are the colombian zootechnics and veterinary sciences prepare for the future?: A vision from Colombia Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Fernando Nassar-Montoya, M.Sc.| Fundación Universitaria San Martín, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
slugUse of infrared thermography in veterinary medicine and animal production Journal title: Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology Authors: João Vinícius Barbosa Roberto ▪ Bonifácio Benício de Souza Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Biometry, Zoology and Animal Science
A Study of Accuracy of References in M.Sc. Dissertations in the Discipline of Agricultural Sciences at College of Agriculture, Vijayapur Affiliated to University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad Journal title: International Journal of Library Science and Research (IJLSR) Authors: Chikkamanju ., G. Kiran Kumar Subject(s):
Information Use Pattern by the Research Scholars and Faculty Members of Agricultural Science Universities in Karnataka Journal title: International Journal of Library Science and Research (IJLSR) Authors: G. KIRAN KUMAR, CHIKKAMANJU . Subject(s):
Professor Pavlo F. Tushkan (Tushkanov) (1867–1942): life gives agricultural science and education of Ukraine Journal title: Історія науки і техніки: Збірник наукових праць Державного університету інфраструктури та технологій Authors: V Vergunov Subject(s):
EFFECTIVENESS OF ACADEMIC TEACHING IN THE FIELD OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Journal title: Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu Authors: Piotr Pietrzak Subject(s):
Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of Soil and Fertilizer Treatment on Winter Wheat Cultivation Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Aliyev RAE ZH Subject(s):
On the Role of Systems of Small Intensive Irrigation in Solving the Problems of Mineral Farming in Azerbaijan Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Aliyev Zakir Huseyn Oglu Subject(s):
Diagnosis of Phytophthora in Soil Samples by Polymerase Chain Reaction Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Touseef Hussain Subject(s):
Traditional Knowledge on Mushroom Consumption Habits of Amhara Region in Four Selected Districts - Mecha, Fogera, Bahirdarzuria and Zege Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Birhanu Gizaw, Zerihun Tsegay, Genene Tefera, Endegena Aynalem Subject(s):
Artificial Neural Networks and its Role in Plant Breeding Under Drought Stress Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Mohammad Reza Naroui Rad Subject(s):
Allelopathic Potentiality of Celosia argentea L Review Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Yuvraj D Kengar Subject(s):
Studies of the Possibilities of Determining the Degree of Erosion of Soils in Azerbaijan Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Rae ZH Aliyev Subject(s):
The Study Process of Equalizing TemporarySprinkler and a Substantiation of Parameters of Working Bodies Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Manabaev NT Baimakhanov K Subject(s):
An Assessment of Relative Risks to Human/Ecological Health Biotech Crops versus Other Human Activities Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Gupta PK Subject(s):