Geodemographical Features of the Settlements in the Subcarpathians between Prahova and Dâmboviţa Journal title: Romanian Review of Regional Studies Authors: RĂDIŢA ALEXE Subject(s): Geography
Study on Environmental Impact of the Closure of the Titu-Dâmboviţa Solid Waste Dump Journal title: Romanian Review of Regional Studies Authors: RĂDIŢA ALEXE, MIHAELA SENCOVICI, DĂNUŢ TANISLAV Subject(s): Geography
STANDARDIZATION OF SAPTAMRUTA LOHA Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Ashokrao Jadhao , Rajesh Ingole Subject(s):
Variability of macroscopic dimensions of Moso bamboo Journal title: Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Le Cui , Wanxi Peng , Zhengjun Sun , Huangfei Lu , Guoning Chen Subject(s):
LE POTENTIEL ACTUEL ET LA DYNAMIQUE DES RESSOURCES PRINCIPALES DE L’AGRICULTURE DU DEPARTEMENT DE DAMBOVITA Journal title: The Annals of Valahia University of Târgoviste, Geographical Series Authors: Gica PEHOIU Subject(s):
Tensile, Flexual, Impact and Water Absorption Properties of Natural Fibre Reinforced Polyester Hybrid Composites Journal title: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe Authors: R. Prasanna Venkatesh, K. Ramanathan, V. Srinivasa Raman Subject(s):
THE TYPOLOGY OF THE HUMAN SETTLEMENTS FROM DÂMBOVIŢA VALLEY IN THE AREA OF HIGH SUB-MOUNTAINOUS PLAIN Journal title: The Annals of Valahia University of Târgoviste, Geographical Series Authors: Radita ALEXE, Laura UNGUREANU Subject(s):
Effect of delignified Native Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris) Cellulosic –g-poly (acrylonitrile) Hydrogel on the Growth Indices of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) seedlings Journal title: Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research Authors: Lawrence Ekebafe, Justice Idiaghe, Marian Ekebafe Subject(s):
Development and Study of Properties of Natural Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Y. Indraja Subject(s):
Elements of Bio-Geographical Regional Determination in the Subcarpathians between the Prahova and the Dâmboviţa River Journal title: Romanian Review of Regional Studies Authors: RĂDIŢA ALEXE Subject(s): Geography
OVERVIEW OF INDIAN MEDICINAL TREE: BAMBUSA BAMBOS (DRUCE) Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Aakruti Kaikini , Swati Dhande , Vilasrao Kadam Subject(s):
Stimulation of Callogenesis from Anthers of Chinery and Cambod Tea (Camellia sp.) Clones Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research. Authors: CH Naga Pavan Kumar, E. Edwin Raj, R. Raj Kumar, P. Mohan Kumar and K. N. Chandrashekara Subject(s):
SOCIAL VULNERABILTY TO NATURAL HAZARDS IN THE DAMBOVITA COUNTY Journal title: The Annals of Valahia University of Târgoviste, Geographical Series Authors: Dan TANISLAV Subject(s):
Weibull statistical analysis of tensile strength of vascular bundle in inner layer of moso bamboo culm in molecular parasitology and vector biology Journal title: Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Cui Le , Peng Wanxi , Sun Zhengjun , Shang Lili , Chen Guoning Subject(s):
Dialog dan Toleransi Beragama di Kota Ambon: Perspektif Bekas Pejuang Muslim Ambon Journal title: International Journal of Islamic Thought Authors: MUHAMMAD FARID Subject(s):