Relation between back massage and anxiety level Journal title: New Medicine Authors: Dariusz Boguszewski, Aneta Dąbek, Izabela Korabiewska Subject(s):
Dental anxiety level and dental status in 18-year-old patients in Poland Journal title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) Authors: Justyna Hajto-Bryk, Katarzyna Dobroś, Joanna Zarzecka Subject(s):
Poziom lęku przed leczeniem stomatologicznym, a stan uzębienia u 18-latków w Polsce Journal title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) Authors: Justyna Hajto-Bryk, Katarzyna Dobroś, Joanna Zarzecka Subject(s):
The Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercises After Endotracheal Extubation on Vital Signs and Anxiety Level in Open Heart Surgery Patients Journal title: Türk Yoğun Bakım Dergisi Authors: Özlem İbrahimoğlu, Nevin Kanan Subject(s):
ВЛИЯНИЕ ЛЕЧЕНИЯ НА УРОВЕНЬ ТРЕВОЖНОСТИ БОЛЬНЫХ ХРОНИЧЕСКИМ ПАНКРЕАТИТОМ Journal title: INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY JOURNAL "Web of Scholar" Authors: М. М. Потяженко, О. Е. Китура, А. В. Невойт, Н. Л. Соколюк, Т. В. Настрога Subject(s):
CONFLICTNESS OF FUTURE PSYCHOLOGISTS WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF ANXIETY Journal title: Науковий вісник Південноукраїнського національного педагогічного університету імені К. Д. Ушинського Authors: Y. Chernozhuk, V. Kubovskaya Subject(s):
The Effect of Guided Imagery to The Level of Anxiety of Trimester III Pregnant Woman in The Working Area of Mijen Health Center in Semarang City Journal title: media keperawatan indonesia Authors: Priharyanti Wulandari, Alifia Sofitamia, menik kustriyani Subject(s):
THE INFLUENCE OF FEAR ON A PERSON AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEAREH OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE ANXIETY LEVEL ON THE FORMING OF FEARS Journal title: Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія «Психологічні науки» Authors: О. В. Царькова, Н. А. Степанищева Subject(s):
Effect of Listening to the Quran on Anxiety Level in Primipara Journal title: Health, Spirituality and Medical Ethics Authors: Baiq Yuni Fitri Hamidiyanti, Intan Gumilang Pratiwi Subject(s):
Study of Examination Related Anxiety Levels in First Year Medical Students Journal title: International Journal of Physiology Authors: Subject(s):
Examining the Occupational Anxiety Levels of Students of Faculty of Islamic Sciences According to Certain Variables Journal title: Mütefekkir Authors: Ali KUŞCALI Subject(s): Social Sciences, Islam, Religion
A Correlation between Students’ Anxiety Levels and Oral Presentation Performance in EFL Speaking Class Journal title: Journal of English Education and Teaching Authors: Aisyah Amini, Elfrida Elfrida, Kasmaini Kasmaini Subject(s):
Foreign language learning anxiety: A comparison between high school and university students Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Gökhan Baş, Mehmet Özcan Subject(s):
Correlation Between Cataract Surgery and Anxiety Levels in Senile Cataract Patients Journal title: Journal of Health and Medical Sciences Authors: Bayurini Dian Hapsari, Rodiah Rahmawaty Lubis, Yan Pieter Sihombing Subject(s):