The Implementation of Incarnational Mission Among The Bugis Using Cultural Approach Journal title: Jurnal Jaffray Authors: Armin Sukri Kanna Subject(s): Education, Religion, Theology
Pendekatan Penginjilan Kontekstual Kepada Masyarakat Baliem Papua Journal title: Jurnal Jaffray Authors: Marde Christian Stenly Mawikere Subject(s): Education, Religion, Theology
Factors aFFecting the UnderperFormance oF employees Journal title: Social Affairs Authors: Nadeeka Amarasinghe Subject(s): Economics, Law, Social Sciences, History , International Relations, Political Science, Sociology
Synthesis Design of an Anti-Obesity Agent ‘Sibutramine’: A Reatrosynthetic Approach Journal title: International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Reserach Authors: Chittaranjan Bhanja*, Subhendu Chakroborty, Satyaban Jena Subject(s): Nanotechnology, Clinical Molecular and Microbiology, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Toxicology
Biotechnological approaches in propagation and evaluation of Miscanthus giganteus Journal title: Problems of Environmental Biotechnology Authors: Г. П. Петюх, Р. І. Пришляк Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Ecology
Sorption Ability of Modified Fruit Nut Shells in the Removal of Co (II) ions from Aqueous Solutions Journal title: Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology Authors: N. Muthulakshmi Andal and S. Charulatha Subject(s): Environmental Sciences
Study on Traditional Plants Utilized for the Treatment of Effluent with Special Reference to Palm Oil Mill Industry Journal title: Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology Authors: Kaladevi V. and Preetha S. S. Subject(s): Environmental Sciences
GIS based Assessment of Noise Environment of Imphal City, Manipur (India): A Comprehensive Study Journal title: Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology Authors: Wazir Alam, Bindiya Aribam and Waikhom Roshan Singh Subject(s): Environmental Sciences
THE PERSON-ORIENTED APPROACH IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Journal title: Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century Authors: Diana Raufelder, Danilo Jagenow, Frances Hoferichter, Kate Mills Drury Subject(s): Psychology
DYNAmIC SYSTEm APPROACh IN PSYChOLOGY: PROPOSITION AND APPLICATION IN ThE STUDY Of EmOTION, APPRAISAL AND COGNITIVE AChIEVEmENT Journal title: Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century Authors: Cristiano M. A. gomes, hudson F. golino, Bianca C. g. Costa Subject(s): Psychology
Format of Manuscripts Journal title: Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century Authors: Board, E Subject(s): Psychology
EYE MOVEMENT DESENSITIZATION AND REPROCESSING AS A PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC APPROACH Journal title: Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century Authors: Desislava Ivanova Subject(s): Psychology
PoSt-MerGer INteGratIoN ISSueS: the IMPortaNce of early aPPoINtMeNt of New MaNaGerS for SucceSSful PMI Journal title: Problems of Management in the 21st Century Authors: Siw Lundqvist Subject(s): Management Science
PROCEDURAL PARALLEL AND APPROACHES BETWEEN DECISIONS AND TRADE NEGOTIATIONS Journal title: Problems of Management in the 21st Century Authors: Felicia Adriana Lupu Subject(s): Management Science
Some nutritional and physical properties of crab apple (Malus silvestris Mill.) fruit Journal title: International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences Authors: İbrahim Gezer, Mehmet Musa Özcan, Haydar Hacıseferoğulları and Sedat Çalışır Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Biochemistry, Plant Sciences, Soil Sciences, Zoology and Animal Science, Agricultural Economics