Comparative Efficacy of Chlorhexidine and Herbal Mouth Rinse in Patients with gingivitis Journal title: Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research Authors: Mona Manchanda, Vallabh Rastogi, Sandeep Kumar Swarnkar, Gaurav Agarwal, Sonali Medsinghe Kalra Subject(s):
Hydrogen production and metabolic response of Spirulina sp , Calothrix parteniana and Oscillatoria sp to sulphur and /or nitrogen deficiency Journal title: JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN BIOLOGY Authors: Awatief F.Hifney, Refat Abdel-Basset Subject(s):
Clinical information associated with bacterial culture proven Burkholderia pseudomallei among melioiodosis patients in Buriram province Journal title: Journal of Public Health and Development Authors: Worrayot Darasawang Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine