Potentials Of and the Socio-Economic Benefits of Blacksmithing Production in Promoting Agricultural Development and Poverty Alleviation in Kwara State, Nigeria Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: Y. Oladimeji Subject(s):
Exploring the Potentials of blacksmithing for Rural Industrialization in Bauchi State Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: D. M. D. Ningi, M. H. Muhammad, M. E. Ibrahim, L. G. Abubakar Subject(s):
O locuinţă de meșteșugar fierar din secolul al XV-lea descoperită la Baia, jud. Suceava Journal title: Arheologia Moldovei Authors: Lia Bătrîna, Adrian Bătrîna, Gheorghe Sion Subject(s):
Development of a Forging Machine for Improved Blacksmithing in Nigeria Journal title: Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology Authors: R. A. Adebayo, P. K. Oke Subject(s):
An Analysis on the Factors Which Influence the Earnings of Micro and Small Business Blacksmith Metal Industry in Tapanuli Utara Regency Journal title: IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF) Authors: Murniati Tobing, Sya’ad Afifuddin, Rahmanta . Subject(s):
An Analysis on the Factors Which Influence the Earnings of Micro and Small Business: Case at Blacksmith Metal Industry Journal title: Academic Journal of Economic Studies Authors: Murniati Tobing, Sya’ad Afifuddin, Sandra Rouli Huber, Saut Maruli Tua Saut Maruli Tua, Iskandar Mud... Subject(s):