Using of sociological methods in the study of court work Journal title: Проблеми законності Authors: І. В. Підкуркова Subject(s):
What Are The Laws Of War? Legalıty Of The Threat Or Use Of Nuclear Weapons Journal title: The Journal of International Scientific Researches Authors: Onur İzmir Subject(s):
RIGHT TO JUST PROCESS IN THE JUDICATURE OF THE EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS Journal title: Зовнішня торгівля: економіка, фінанси, право Authors: Julia ONDROVА Subject(s):
Judiciary-arbitration mechanism for protection of sovereign rights of Ukraine by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 Journal title: Lex portus Authors: Инна Бойко, Inna Boyko, Інна Бойко Subject(s):
Legal positions of the US Supreme Court regarding the admissibility of restrictions on freedom of speech and freedom of creativity Journal title: Юридические науки и образование Authors: Julia Iurynets Subject(s):
THE INFLUENCE OF THE 1909 ARMENIAN EVENTS IN ADANA ON THE PROVINCE OF ALEPPO: KIRIKHAN EXAMPLE Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Aydın EFE Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
A MYTHIC GODDESS PORTRAIT OF POLITICS AND AESTHETICS UNIVERSE IN THE HIGH MIDDLE AGES: ELEANOR OF AQUITAINE Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Sayime DURMAZ Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY IN INTERNATIONAL LAW Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Murat ŞİMŞEK Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
Mundane Beauty: Female Fashion of Costumes Addressing Drapes and Folds as Fashion Devices Used in Female Costumes During 16th Century in Sri Lanka Journal title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: PRIYANKA VIRAJINI MEDAGEDARA KARUNARATNE Subject(s):
HELP! THERE IS A THIEF: THEFT STORIES FROM AMASYA IN 1625-1650 Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Sibel KAVAKLI KUNDAKÇI Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
The Competent Tribunal in Cases to Declare the Nullity of Marriage Journal title: Kościół i Prawo Authors: Igor Kilanowski Subject(s):
The Right to Manifest Religious Beliefs through Religious Symbols in the Light of the Judgment Eweida and Others v. the United Kingdom from January 15, 2013 Journal title: Kościół i Prawo Authors: Grzegorz Szubtarski Subject(s):
EVALUATIONS ON STATE OF SIEGE APPLICATIONS (1971-1973) Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Mustafa SALEP Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
Місце Вищої Кваліфікаційної Комісії суддів та Вищої Ради Правосуддя в організації роботи господарських судів Journal title: Право і безпека Authors: D. V. Mandychev Subject(s):
Simplified procedure at court of the first instance in the legislation of some сountries of the Eastern Europe Journal title: Lex portus Authors: Дмитрий Великодний, Dmytro Velykodnyi, Дмитро Великодний Subject(s):