Seeking Optimal Nutrition for Healthy Body Mass Reduction Among Former Athletes Journal title: Journal of Human Kinetics Authors: Dominika Maciejewska, Małgorzata Michalczyk et al. Subject(s): Sports and Recreation, Nutrition and Metabolism, Kinesiology
HIGH-CALORIE DIET AS A FACTOR OF OBESITY DEVELOPMENT IN RATS Journal title: Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy) Authors: T. P. KARPOVETS, N. V. SHABANOVA, V. V. KONOPELNYUK, O. M. SAVCHUK, L. I. OSTAPCHENKO Subject(s):
Comparing of nutrients content and calorific value in the diets of Poles and Greeks living in Athens Journal title: Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny Authors: M. Bronkowska, E. Bator, D. Orzeł, J. Biernat Subject(s):
RISK EFFECT OF MATERNAL NUTRITION ON BIRTH WEIGHT OF BABY- A PROSPECTIVE STUDY Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Anuradha Seedidhi, Geeta Kumari Ponnada Subject(s):
A Strong Relationship of Physical Activity and Obesity in Adults between 60 and 70 Years from Celaya, Mexico: A Cross Sectional Study Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: Nicolas Padilla-Raygoza, Lucibel Vasquez-Perez, Georgina Olvera- Villanueva, Silvia del Carmen Delga... Subject(s):
Impact of Nutrient Intake and Physical Activity Level on Nutritional Status among University Students in Ghana Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: Nafiu Amidu, Peter P. M. Dapare, Yussif Adams Subject(s):
Utilization of Corn Fibre and Pectin Gel for the Development of Low Calorie and High Fibre Biscuits Journal title: Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology Authors: Pankaj Preet Sandhu, Kiran Bains, Gisha Singla, Rajender Singh Sangwan Subject(s):
THE TECHNOLOGY OF SWEET SAUCES BASED ON SWEET POTATO PUREE Journal title: Международный научный журнал "Интернаука" Authors: Yulyia Tymoshenko, Nadiia Kravchuk Subject(s):
A Case Control Study on Macro Nutrients Intake of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal title: Indian Journal of Nutrition Authors: Komal Srivastava Subject(s):
Development, Quality Evaluation and Shelf Life Studies of Extruded Herbal Snack Foods with Fortified Ocimum Basilicum Journal title: Indian Journal of Nutrition Authors: Mrudula Guggilla Subject(s):
Impact of Calorie Intakes on the Risk of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Extremely Preterm Infants Journal title: Archives of Pulmonology and Respiratory Care Authors: Alshaikh Belal, Buddhavarapu Siddartha, Akierman Albert, Lodha Abhay, Sauve Reginald, Soraisham Amuc... Subject(s):
Study of the Effect of Mobile Indirect Calorimeter on Weight Management Journal title: Global Journal of Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome Authors: Stump Craig, Jackemeyer David, Abidov Yulia, Herbst Karen, Tao Nongjian, Forzani Erica Subject(s):
Perspectives on Low Calorie Intense Sweeteners with a Focus on Aspartame and Stevia Journal title: European Journal of Nutrition & Food Safety Authors: Caomhan Logue, Stephan J. A. C. Peters, Alison M. Gallagher, Hans Verhagen Subject(s):
Nutritional Intake in Low Body Mass Index (BMI) Males with Type 1 Diabetes and Fibrocalcific Pancreatic Diabetes: What are the Unmet Needs? A Cross-Sectional Study from a South Indian Tertiary Care Hospital Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Mini Joseph, Riddhi Dasgupta, Roshna Ramachandran, Shajith Anoop, Vijilakshmi Anand, Nithya Devanith... Subject(s):
Prevalence of obesity and overweight in private schools of Jaipur city in 11-17 year age group children Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Dr. Shikhakhandelwal ., Dr. Priyanshu Mathur, Dr. M.L. Gupta Subject(s):