Sigmoid Colonic Perforation with Faecal Peritonitis due to Faecaloma Journal title: Journal of Enam Meical College Authors: Ibrahim Khalil, Deb Proshad Paul, Kazi Shohel Iqbal, Debashish Das Subject(s): Medicine, Epidemiology, Public Health and Community Medicine
Traumatic Perforation of the Sigmoid Colon Journal title: Türk Kolon ve Rektum Hastalıkları Dergisi Authors: Nurullah Damburacı, Barış Sevinç, Ömer Karahan Subject(s):
Analysis of Patients Who Died Following Hartmann’s Procedure Journal title: Asian Journal of Medicine and Health Authors: Ruth Wieland, Arkadiusz P. Wysocki, Therese Rey-Conde, Jennifer Allen, John B. North Subject(s):
The Role of Prophylactic Diverting Loop Ileostomy in Preventing Leaks in High Risk Intraperitoneal Colonic Anastomosis: A Literature Review Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Yusuf Afaque, Mohammad Riyaz, Amjad Ali Rizvi Subject(s):
Transverse Colon Perforation in a Patient with Primary Systemic Amyloidosis Associated with Multiple Myeloma Journal title: Surgical Research – Open Journal Authors: Justin Zelones Subject(s):