GRAPHICAL METHOD IN CATIA ENVIRONMENT FOR PROFILING ROTATING CUTTERS Journal title: Proceedings in Manufacturing Systems Authors: G. Frumuşanu, S. Berbinschi, N. Oancea Subject(s):
Linear regression models in predicting acute myocardial infarction progression from serum levels of TNI, CRP and AST Journal title: Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής Authors: K. POULAKIS, M. CHOUZOURIS, A. KONSTANTOPOULOS, P. XENOS, N. POLYZOS Subject(s):
Isolated Breast Relapse Mimicking Breast Cancer in Elderly Patient with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Journal title: Turkish Journal of Hematology Authors: Ajay Gogia, Prashant Mehta, Raja Pramanik, Rajive Kumar Subject(s):
İmatinib Tedavisi Sırasında Kronik Miyeloid Lösemide Gelişen Promiyelositik Blastik Kriz Journal title: Turkish Journal of Hematology Authors: Federico Angriman, Maria Acevedo, Maria Rossi, Alberto Conca, Victoria Otero, Jorge Arbelbid... Subject(s):
Selection of managers in a company Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie Authors: Mirosław Walas Subject(s):
The Impact of Management Structures’ Composition on Performance of Companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange Journal title: Revista Romana de Statistica Authors: Georgeta VINTILĂ, Raluca-Georgiana MOSCU Subject(s): Mathematics, Statistics , Science
A study on the effect of skill-based health education on management of acute diarrheal diseases Journal title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Authors: Subject(s):
Badanie wpływu wysokości okrywy i masy liniowej przędzy na właściwości użytkowe dzianin z okrywą pętelkową i pętelkową ciętą Journal title: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe Authors: Seval Uyanik Subject(s):
Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) – Blood transfusion complication Journal title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Authors: Neena Sharma, Kumkum Sharma Subject(s):
HEPATITIS A VIRAL INFECTION TRIGGERS AUTOIMMUNE HEPATITIS IN A PATIENT: A CASE REPORT Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Jakkal Pandharinath, Solanke Nandkishor Subject(s):
Theoretical Foundations of Public Financial Audit of the Execution of Budgetary Programs Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Iryna. Shevchenko Subject(s):
Çok ileri yaşlı hastalarda (75 yaş ve üzeri) perkütan nefrolitotomi Journal title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi Authors: Hüseyin Çelik, Caner Ediz, Ahmet Çamtosun, Ramazan Altıntaş, Cemal Taşdemir Subject(s):
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) In Iraq Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Dr. Akram M. Al-Mahdawi, , Dr. Anmar O. Hatem , Dr. Eman Sh. Mahmood Subject(s):
UNDERCOVER PARTNER Journal title: Challenges of the Knowledge Society Authors: Alexandru MARIAN Subject(s):
Exercise and academic achievement in children: effects of acute class-based circuit training Journal title: Human Movement Authors: Ben D. Dickinson, Michael J. Duncan, Emma L.J. Eyre Subject(s):