Identifying the Facilitating Contexts of Digitalizing Processes of Human Resource Management: A Study Case of Asan-pardakht Company in Tehran Journal title: Journal of Human Resource Studies Authors: Zeinab Bazian; Ali Pirannejad; Abbas Nargesian Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Organizational Science
TTK m.55/1-a-6’da Özel Bir Haksız Rekabet Hâli Olarak Düzenlenen Tedarik Fiyatının Altındaki Sunumlara İlişkin Bir İnceleme Journal title: Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi Authors: Neyzen Fehmi DOLAR Subject(s): Law
ALGILANAN KALİTE VE MARKA GÜVENİNİN, MARKA SADAKATİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİNDE REFERANS GRUBUN ARACILIK ROLÜ Journal title: Güncel Pazarlama Yaklaşımları ve Araştırmaları Dergisi / Journal of Current Marketing Approaches and Researches Authors: Süleyman Can YILDIRIR Subject(s): Marketing
The Issue of Interpolation (al-Dakhīl) in the Qur’anic Commentary of Imām al-Wāhidī titled al-Wasīt fī Tafsīr al- Qur’ān al- Majīd: A Research review الوسیط فی تفسیر القرآن المجید(امام الواحدی ) میں مباحث الدخیل:ایک تحقیقی جائزہ Journal title: Al Bahis research journal of Islamic sciences Authors: Aamina Mustafa Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Tafseer & Quranic Sciences, Faculty of Usuluddi... Subject(s): Social Sciences
Penerapan Perpol Nomor 8 Tahun 2021 Tentang Penanganan Tindak Pidana Berdasarkan Keadilan Restoratif Di Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Umum Polda Bali Journal title: IJOLARES: Indonesian Journal of Law Research Authors: Dewa Putu Hendra Widiatmika Subject(s): Law
Desarrollo de un modelo predictivo en Excel para el proceso de inyección de agua utilizando el método de Dake-Welge para un reservorio homogéneo de estrato simple Journal title: FIGEMPA: Investigación y Desarrollo Authors: Montalvo, P., Navarrete, J., & Cóndor, J. Subject(s): Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Physics
BERDAK - A PHILANTHROPIC ARTIST Journal title: International scientific journal Science and Innovation Authors: Meliqoziyeva Guljahon Nozimjon kizi Subject(s): Archaeology, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Architecture, Agricultural Science
Land And Building Tax (PBB), Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH), and the Remaining Budget Calculation (SiLPA), Network Capital Expenditure (BMJ) and Physical Special Allocation Funds (DAK) at the City Government in Indonesia Journal title: International Journal of Current Science Research and Review Authors: Mulyana Utami, Darwanis ., Yossi Diantimala, Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Plant Sciences, Economic Development, Technological Change and Growth, Medical Education , Business, Commercial, Consumer and Financial Law, Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Humanities, Multidisciplinary, Psychology, Multidisciplinary, Engineering, Multidisciplinary, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
PATHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS CAUSED BY AN IMBALANCE OF ME IN THE HUMAN BODY Journal title: International scientific journal Science and Innovation Authors: Ismatov N., Akhmedov A.A., Shernazarov F. F Subject(s): Archaeology, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Architecture, Agricultural Science
THE ESSENCE OF STUDYING THE WORK OF BERDAK, A CLASSIC EXAMPLE OF KARAKALPAK LITERATURE Journal title: International scientific journal Science and Innovation Authors: Kalbayeva Arukhan Jengisbaevna Subject(s): Archaeology, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Architecture, Agricultural Science
İnsan Kaynakları Yönetiminde Güncel Bir Yaklaşım Olarak Çalışan Deneyimi: Keşfedici Bir İçerik Analizi Journal title: Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Dergisi Authors: Ayşegül ELMİN Tuğba ULAŞTIRAN Subject(s): Human Resource Management
The Distribution Management of Dakwah Infrastructure According to the AlQuran: A Combination of Thematic Scientific Analysis and Cohen Kappa Journal title: International Journal of Social Science Humanity & Management Research Authors: Mohd Hisyam Abdul Rahim, Azizul Azra Abdul Razak, Hafizah Abdul Jalil, Azila Abdul Razak Subject(s): Social Sciences
Consumer Satisfaction Level of Pudak Purchase in Sari Kelapa Gresik Journal title: Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies Authors: Olvy Maulida Ridwan Putri,Teguh Soedarto,Ida Syamsu Roidah Subject(s): Economics, Banks and Banking, Marketing, Accounting, Management, Business, Finance
The Influence of PAD (Local Original Revenue), DAK (Special Allocation Fund), and DAU (General Allocation Fund) on Economic Growth with Capital Expenditure as the Intervening Variable Journal title: Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies Authors: Vieza Saestika Falsa Adila, Sugeng Hadi Utomo Subject(s): Economics, Banks and Banking, Marketing, Accounting, Management, Business, Finance
The Inheritance Rights Of Children From Marriage Are Not Recorded According To The Marriage Law And The Compilation Of Islamic Law Journal title: Mawaddah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam Authors: Jenal Wahidin, Diana Farid, Muhammad Husni Abdulah Pakarti, Iffah Fathiah, Kemal Al Kautsar Mabruri Subject(s): Law, Family Law, Philosophy of Law