Neural networks for the analysis of mine-induced building vibrations Journal title: Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science Authors: Krystyna Kuźniar Subject(s):
The efficiency of the application of the heap lists to the algorithm of mesh generation Journal title: Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science Authors: Jan Kucwaj Subject(s):
The method of the fundamental solutions and its modifications for electromagnetic field problems. (Received in the final form January 14, 2009) Journal title: Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science Authors: C. S. Chen, S. Y. Reutskiy, V. Y. Rozov Subject(s):
Surgical Treatment Results In Gastroschisis Based On Preterm Delivery Within The 34th Week Of Gestation By Caesarean Section Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Hardy Krause, Hans-Jürgen Hass, Ralf Böttger, Claudia Gerloff, Anke Rissmann, Frank Meyer Subject(s):
Neural Networks Application to Reduction of Train Caused Distortions in Magnetotelluric Measurement Data Journal title: Schedae Informaticae Authors: Marzena Bielecka, Tomasz Danek, Marek Wojdyła, Grzegorz Baran Subject(s):
Application of correlation in the vertical fragmentation based on statistic of queries Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektroniki i Informatyki Politechniki Koszalińskiej Authors: Dariusz Bernatowicz, Anna Bernatowicz Subject(s):
La Teoría Fundamentada como herramienta para buscar “narrativas” en el Periodismo de Datos: análisis del caso “Reading the riots” en The Guardian Journal title: Naukowy Przegląd Dziennikarski Authors: Carlos Elías Subject(s):
Matematyczne aspekty teorii rankingów Journal title: Computer Science and Mathematical Modelling Authors: Andrzej Ameljańczyk Subject(s):
Mathematical aspects of ranking theory Journal title: Computer Science and Mathematical Modelling Authors: Andrzej Ameljańczyk Subject(s):
Leksykograficzno-binarna implementacja rekurencyjnego filtra Pareto w procedurach kategoryzacji Journal title: Computer Science and Mathematical Modelling Authors: Andrzej Ameljańczyk, Chung Trang Quang Subject(s):
Lexicographical binary implementation of the Recurrent Pareto Filter in categorization procedures Journal title: Computer Science and Mathematical Modelling Authors: Andrzej Ameljańczyk, Chung Trang Quang Subject(s):
Techniki analizy wizualnej dla wsparcia diagnostyki medycznej Journal title: Computer Science and Mathematical Modelling Authors: Tomasz Rzeźniczak Subject(s):
Visual analysis techniques for medical diagnosis support Journal title: Computer Science and Mathematical Modelling Authors: Tomasz Rzeźniczak Subject(s):
Algorytmy ewolucyjne w optymalizacji Mapy Atrybutów Journal title: Computer Science and Mathematical Modelling Authors: Tomasz Rzeźniczak Subject(s):
Evolutionary algorithms for Map of Attributes optimization Journal title: Computer Science and Mathematical Modelling Authors: Tomasz Rzeźniczak Subject(s):