Preliminary Studies on the Evaluation of Phytochemistry and Proximate Composition of Dicksonia Antarctica (Labill) Journal title: Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences Authors: Kenneth U Ekwealor, Christopher E Ugwoke, Clement U Okeke, Nkumah C Okereke, Chisom F Iroka, Oswald... Subject(s):
A comparative evaluation of bioagents and chemicals for the control of stalk rot of Sorghum caused by Dickeya dadantii Journal title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science Authors: Prachi Singh, Yogendra Singh, Jyotika Purohit, Anupam Maharshi Subject(s):
Forecasting Monthly Water Production in Gaza City Using a Seasonal ARIMA Model Journal title: Scholars Journal of Physics, Mathematics and Statistics Authors: Mahmoud K. Okasha, Deaa M.M Abu Shanab Subject(s):
Do Androids Have Nightmares About Electric Sheep? Science Fiction Portrayals of Trauma Manifestations in the Posthuman Subject in Frankenstein, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, and ‘Nine Lives’ Journal title: New Horizons in English Studies Authors: Ida Marie Olsen Subject(s):
HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS IN CHARLES DICKENS’ BLEAK HOUSE Journal title: International Journal of English and Literature (IJEL) Authors: SHANTIKUMAR SHARMA K, SHIMREINGAM H Subject(s):
THE BLACK VEIL: 19TH-CENTURY POLISH TRANSLATIONS OF CHARLES DICKENS’S SHORT STORY Journal title: Acta Neophilologica Authors: Ewa Kujawska-Lis Subject(s): Linguistics, Literature, Languages and Literature, Philology
ТЕАТРАЛЬНЕ ЖИТТЯ У НАРИСАХ Ч. ДІККЕНСА ТА В. Г. БЄЛІНСЬКОГО Journal title: Проблеми сучасного літературознавства Authors: Olha Bondaruk Subject(s):
Двести лет с Диккенсом Journal title: Питання літературознавства Authors: Liudmyla Skuratovska Subject(s):
Savremene tehnologije u funkciji izbora idejnog rješenja novog proizvoda Journal title: Quality Procedings Authors: Amra Talić-Čikmiš, Amir Durmić, Nedeljko Vukojević, Fuad Hadžikadunić Subject(s):
The Influence of E-Learning to Enhance Basic Science of Medical Students’ Achievement Journal title: International Journal of Research and Review Authors: N Juni Triastuti Subject(s):
Nexus between Financial Development and Investment in Pakistan: A Vector Auto-regressive Model Approach Journal title: Journal of Quantitative Methods (JQM) Authors: Arslan Khalid Subject(s): Economics, Social Sciences, Business, Finance
FORECASTING PORTABLE WATER SUPPLY IN IBADAN METROPOLITAN USING AUTOREGRESSIVE INTEGRATED MOVING AVERAGE MODEL Journal title: IMPACT : International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences ( IMPACT : IJRANSS ) Authors: Semiu Ayinla Alayande Subject(s):
ASSESSMENT OF DICKKOPF-1 AS A BIOMARKER OF HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA IN EGYPTIANS. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: Ola Atef Sharaki, Ahmed El-Sayed Zeid, Mai Medhat El Boasaty. Subject(s):
Analiza porównawcza antyesencjalistycznej i instytucjonalnej teorii sztuki Journal title: Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny HYBRIS Authors: Jędrzej Janicki Subject(s):
Dickkopf-1 serum levels in Saudi boys with cerebral palsy and correlations with body mass index and bone turnover markers Journal title: Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences Authors: Zahra Ali AL-Balawi, Hala Salim Sonbol Subject(s):