Psychiatric disturbances after head-brain injury - selected problems of rehabilitation and disability benefit rulings Journal title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna Authors: Tomasz Zyss Subject(s):
Zaburzenia psychiczne po urazach czaszkowo-mózgowych – wybrane problemy rehabilitacji i orzecznictwa Journal title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna Authors: Tomasz Zyss Subject(s):
Proteomics and Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Imaging as a Modern Diagnostic Tool in Kidney Diseases Journal title: Нирки Authors: Mariia Ivanova, Olena Dyadyk, Andrew Smith, Lucia Santorelli, Martina Stella, Manuel Galli, Clizia C... Subject(s):
Study of Surgical Complications of Pancreatitis Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Pravin Bhingare Subject(s):
A Study on Medical Management in End Stage Renal Disease In Patient on Haemodialysis Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) Authors: Likitha Nanga, Geena Gimson, G. Veeramani, ,Dr .K. Baburaj Subject(s):
Genetic characterization of Entamoeba histolytica reveals a significant association of parasite genotype with disease outcome Journal title: JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN BIOTECHNOLOGY Authors: Koushik Das, Punam Chowdhury, Tomoyoshi Nozaki, Sandipan Ganguly Subject(s):