EXPLORING EDUCATION THEME IN TEACHING LEARNING TRANSFORMATION: AN EXPECTATION IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Journal title: Engineering and Technology Journal Authors: Mayur Rathi, Shefali Sonavane, Deepika Chavan Subject(s): Engineering, Technology
Military Cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union under the Association Agreement and an issue of state sovereignty. Journal title: Security and Defence Quarterly Authors: Lubomir Zinyak Subject(s): Social Sciences, Military Science, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Social studies - Sociology
Forestry Partnership as an Alternative for Settlement of Forestry Disputes in Indonesia Journal title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research Authors: Nila Galih Roosanti, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani, Lego Karjoko Subject(s): Economics, Humanities, Law, Social Sciences, Literature, Sociology of Education, Criminology, Public Administration
MEASURING FOREIGN POLICY ACTIVISM THROUGH INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS: REGIONAL ORIENTATION AND POLICY ANALYSIS Journal title: Tarsus University Journal of The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Authors: Emre TAŞKIRAN Subject(s): Social Sciences
Intermediation Role of Brand Image in the Effect of Country of Origin and SelfRespect on Brand Loyalty in the Smart Phone Industry Journal title: Güncel Pazarlama Yaklaşımları ve Araştırmaları Dergisi / Journal of Current Marketing Approaches and Researches Authors: Meliha Elif GÜVEN Kahraman ÇATI Ebru OSKALOĞLU Subject(s): Marketing
Territorial peace in the Colombian urban space. An analysis from the Special Jurisdiction for Peace Journal title: RHS-Revista Humanismo y Sociedad Authors: Diana M. Gómez Hurtado Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences
Internet use and its relationship with depression, insomnia and self-esteem in high school students, Quito (Ecuador) Journal title: Más Vita Authors: Verónica Natali Asimbaya Cadena, KatyaFernanda Lima Taramuel Subject(s): Biomedicine, Nursing, Clinical & Counselling Psychology, Health and Wellness, Health Care Sciences & Services
Juridical Analysis of the Car Sale and Purchase Agreement (Case Study Case Number 24/PDT.G/2018/PN.TJK) Journal title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research Authors: Siti Munawaroh Subject(s): Economics, Humanities, Law, Social Sciences, Literature, Sociology of Education, Criminology, Public Administration
SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT ERRORS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES (BAELS) STUDENTS: AN INPUT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A REMEDIATION PROGRAM Journal title: IOER INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH JOURNAL Authors: ROGER B. RUEDA Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Business Administration, Computer and Information Science, Earth Sciences, Economics, Education, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Literature, Agricultural Science
HUMOUR STYLES AS MEDIATORS BETWEEN SELF-ESTEEM AND LONELINESS Journal title: Psychological Thought Authors: Heather Delaney, Gert Kruger Subject(s): Psychology, Social Sciences
Assessment of the police officer profile in the post-agreement era in Colombia Journal title: RHS-Revista Humanismo y Sociedad Authors: Natalia Pérez Puerta Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences
Flora protection and conservation in ukraine: the cross-border context Journal title: International Science Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy Authors: Iryna Vakulyk Subject(s): Law, Philosophy
New generation free trade agreements as a driver of institutional change: A case of Vietnam Journal title: Stosunki Międzynarodowe – International Relations Authors: Mariusz Boguszewski Subject(s): International Relations, Political Science
Guarantee of Legal Protection of Influencers and Entrepreneurs in Endorsement Agreements Journal title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research Authors: Gabriela Gracia Thalia Aprilliana Vinanda, Dr.Siti Malikhatun Badriyah Subject(s): Economics, Humanities, Law, Social Sciences, Literature, Sociology of Education, Criminology, Public Administration
Enhancing Students’ Oral Proficiency via Improving their Self-Esteem Level Case Study: First Year Students of English Badji Mokhtar University -Annaba Journal title: In Translation / في الترجمة Authors: Ouided SELLAM Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Education, Humanities, Linguistics, Social Sciences, Literature