The system for improvement of watt-hour and environmental efficiency of solid fuel combustion Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: W.J. Tic Subject(s):
System poprawy efektywności energetycznej i ekologicznej spalania paliw stałych Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: W.J. Tic Subject(s):
The Demarcation of the Algorithm of the Organizational-economic Mechanism of Development of the Tourism Industry of Ukraine of Closed Type Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Viktoriia Shymanska Subject(s):
Analysis and Identification of Pathological Crisis Processes in Mechanical Engineering in Ukraine Journal title: Проблеми економіки Authors: Pavel Pronoza Subject(s):
Commercial Buliding of Reinforced Concrete design Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Mr. Mohd Abrar Subject(s):
APPLICATION OF VALUE ENGINEERING TECHNIQUES IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Prof. Nitin L. Rane * Subject(s):
Social Engineering: Hacking a Human Being through Technology Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Akshat Jain , Harshita Tailang , Harsh Goswami , Soumiya Dutta , Mahipal Singh Sankhla , Rajeev Kuma... Subject(s):
Composite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering Journal title: American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology Authors: Min Wang Subject(s):
月桂酸键合改性氢氧化镁的制备及其在聚乙烯中的应用<br /> Journal title: Science Paper Online Authors: Hongchang PANG, Junwei YE, Junqiang LI Subject(s):
Effect of aeration on characteristics of the activated sludge and membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor Journal title: Science Paper Online Authors: Yang LIU, Hanmin ZHANG , Jie XIA , Fenglin YANG Subject(s):
The possibility of combining acupuncture and tissue engineering in treating peripheral nerve injury Journal title: Science Paper Online Authors: Qiaofeng Wu, Yong Tang Subject(s):
针刺结合组织工程学治疗周围神经<br /> 缺损的可能性探讨<br /> Journal title: Science Paper Online Authors: Qiaofeng Wu, Yong Tang Subject(s):
路面时域波形的数学模型与再现研究 Journal title: Science Paper Online Authors: Zhan Xu, Xuexun Guo, Yaofu Heng Subject(s):
GREEN EDUCATION IN ENGINEERI Journal title: EcoTerra (Journal of Environmental Research and Protection) Authors: Petre OGRUŢAN, Lia Elena ACIU Subject(s): Environmental Sciences
History of the Asilomar meetings. Successes and failures of selfregulation in the technoscientific communities Journal title: Sociología y tecnociencia/Sociology and Technoscience. Authors: Jósean Larrión Cartujo Subject(s):