Problemy geopolityczne w stosunkach polsko-ukraińskich Journal title: Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe Authors: Kazimierz Łastawski Subject(s):
«Genocide» interpretation of Ukrainian-Polish relations in 1943-1944 in the visions of modern scholars (historical and legal aspect) Journal title: Актуальні проблеми правознавства Authors: Vasil Ukhach Subject(s):
SYSTEMATIC ETHNIC CLEANSING: THE CASE STUDY OF ROHINGA COMMUNITY IN MYANMAR Journal title: Journal of South Asian Studies Authors: Subject(s):
ETNIČKO ČIŠĆENJE BOŠNJAČKOG STANOVNIŠTVA 1992-1995. (metodi, pravci, statistički pokazatelji) // ETHNIC CLEANSING OF BOSNIAK POPULATION 1992-1995. (methods, directions, statistical indicators) Journal title: Historijski pogledi/Historical views Authors: SENIJA MILIŠIĆ Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Art History
Ethnic Cleansing in the Paradise of Earth A Study of “Our Moon Has Blood Clots” by Rahul Pandita Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subrata Mandal Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Vlasenica od 1991. do 2013. godine: Promjene u etničkoj strukturi stanovništva pod utjecajem rata protiv Republike Bosne i Hercegovine // Vlasenica from 1991 to 2013: Changes in the ethnic structure of the population under the influence of the war against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Journal title: Historijski pogledi/Historical views Authors: SEAD SELIMOVIĆ Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Art History
Dejtonski mirovni sporazum – Okončanje velikodržavnih pretenzija? // The Dayton peace agreement – The end of greater state claims? Journal title: Historijski pogledi/Historical views Authors: Meldijana Arnaut Haseljić Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Art History
Bratunac od 1991. do 2013. godine: Promjene u etničkoj strukturi stanovništva pod utjecajem agresije na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i genocida nad Bošnjacima // Bratunac from 1991 to 2013: Changes in the ethnic structure of the population under the influence of aggression on the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide against Bosniaks Journal title: Arhivski pogledi // Archival Views Authors: Sead Selimović Subject(s): Humanities, History , Information Science & Library Science
Zvornik od 1991. do 2013. godine: Promjene u etničkoj strukturi stanovništva pod uticajem rata protiv Republike Bosne i Hercegovine // Zvornik from 1991 to 2013: Changes in the ethnic structure of the population under the influence of the war against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Journal title: Arhivski pogledi // Archival Views Authors: Sead Selimović Subject(s): Humanities, History , Information Science & Library Science