Emeklilikte Özelleştirme Eğilimleri ve Organize Sermaye Gruplarının Etkisi: Ekonomik Kriz Ne Gösterdi? Journal title: SGD - SOSYAL GUVENLIK DERGISI Authors: Esat Aktaşoğlu, Erdem Cam Subject(s):
Evaluation of the optimization Methods Impact on the Dimensions of the Sub-Processes Journal title: Современная экономика: проблемы, тенденции, перспективы (Sovremennaâ èkonomika: problemy, tendencii, perspektivy) Authors: Ivan Dimitrov, Petko Yangyozov Subject(s):
THE PROBLEM OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOTEL ENTERPRISES UNDER EXISTING CONDITIONS Journal title: Проблеми і перспективи розвитку підприємництва Authors: Svitlana Alexandrova, Larysa Obolentseva, Pavlo Kovalev Subject(s):
Implementation of the panel method to the solution of flow around aircraft Journal title: INCAS BULLETIN Authors: ABBAS Yassir, MADBOULI Mohammed Subject(s):
The analysis of correlation between the GDP and the Gross Income Journal title: Revista Romana de Statistica Authors: Constantin ANGHELACHE, Cristina SACALĂ Subject(s): Mathematics, Statistics , Science
Emergence of Norms in a Society of Heterogeneous Agents Influenced by the Rules of Cellular Automata Techniques Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: P.Chakrabarti , J.K. Basu Subject(s):
ASSESSING OF THE RESEARCH OUTPUT USING HIRSCH INDEX IN THE CHEMISTRY GROUP FROM VALAHIA UNIVERSITY OF TARGOVISTE Journal title: Journal of Science And Arts Authors: SILVIU JIPA, LAURA GORGHIU, CRINELA DUMITRESCU, CALIN OROS Subject(s): Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Nuclear Physics, Science
Web Quest as a Means of Primary School Students’ Information Culture Formation Journal title: Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai Authors: Irina Komarova , Anna Levkina Subject(s):
TECHNO-LINGUAL AMBIGUITIES OF INDIAN MEDIA: A CRITICAL STUDY Journal title: Academic Research International Authors: B.K. Ravi Subject(s):
Formation of ethical organizational behavior under modern conditions Journal title: Проблеми економіки Authors: Viktoriya Tyutlikova Subject(s):
Factor influence of values and education in the sphere of personnel training Journal title: Проблеми економіки Authors: Andrey Shevchuk Subject(s):
AN ANALYSIS OF LUXURY PRODUCT PURCHASING BEHAVIOR OF MALAYSIAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Journal title: Asian Journal Social Sciences & Humanities Authors: Kartinah Ayupp, Lee Ling, A Tudin Subject(s):
ON THE CHANGE IN THE COEFFICIENTS OF CROSS-DISTRIBUTION ALONG THE LENGTH OF THE BEAM SPAN STRUCTURE Journal title: Вестник Харьковского национального автомобильно-дорожного университета Authors: V. Kozhushko Subject(s):
The Correlation between Final Consumption, Gross Available Income and Gross Investment: An Econometric Analysis Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences Authors: Constantin Anghelache, Alexandru-Lucian Manole, Daniel Dumitrescu Subject(s):