Efficacy of misoprostol over dinoprostone gel and Foley’s catheter as a cervical ripening agent Journal title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Authors: Parul S Jani, Mayur R Gandhi, Nilesh Thakor Subject(s):
Efficacy of camera sleeve in conveyance of conduits Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: R Saranga Bharathi Subject(s):
THE EFFECTIVENESS AND SAFETY OF FOLEY’S CATHETER WITH EXTRAAMNIOTIC SALINE INFUSION (EASI) ON CERVICAL RIPENING AND INDUCTION OF LABOUR Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Bindu Kulakandathil Mani, Cicily Thadathiplackal Joseph, Latha Kalarickal Govindanachari Subject(s):
ACCIDENTAL KEROSENE OIL POISONING IN CHILDREN – A STUDY Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Md. Hidayathulla Md. Hidayathulla Subject(s):
Comparison of intravaginal misoprostol alone and in combination with intracervical Foley’s catheter for termination of second trimester pregnancy- 3 years study at a tertiary care hospital Journal title: Perspectives In Medical Research Authors: Subha Ranjan Subject(s):
A study of labour and maternal outcome in cases of intrauterine fetal demise with previous one cesarean section Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: K.M Sunanda, K. Srinivas Subject(s):
Uncommonly used accessory for removal of a large foreign body lodged in the lower esophagus – a rare case report Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH Authors: Dr. K.C. Das, Dr. Sumeet David, Dr. Manish Lalwani and Dr. Nitish Subject(s):
A comparative study of combination of intracervical foley's catheter and intravaginal misoprostol versus intravaginal misoprostol alone for induction of labour Journal title: Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research Authors: Santosh ., Parneet Kaur, Arvinder Kaur, Rama Garg Subject(s):
Comparison of intravaginal misoprostol alone and in combination with intracervical foley’s catheter for termination of second trimester pregnancy at a tertiary care hospital Journal title: MedPulse -International Medical Journal Authors: Swarn Kanta, Pooja Sharma, Sandeep Sharma, Mandeep Sharma Subject(s):
Cervical Atresia with A Functioning Uterus: Successful Surgical Treatment by Foley’s Catheter Stent (Uterovaginal Anastomosis): A Case Report Journal title: Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports Authors: Dr. Mst. Moonmoon Begum, Prof. Ferdousi Sultana, Dr. Md. Shahidul Islam Sugom, Dr. Hasina Banu, IMO Subject(s):
Extra Amniotic Saline Infusion in Cervical Ripening and Induction of Labour and Its Effect on Foeto Maternal Out Come Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Bindhu K .M Subject(s):
Observational study comparing cervical ripening and induction of labour with intravaginal Misoprostol against transcervical Foley’s catheter Journal title: Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research Authors: Raviraj P Gondkar, Saubhagya Bhajantri, K R Damania Subject(s):
INDUCTION OF LABOUR WITH FOLEY’S CATHETER VERSUS VAGINAL MISOPROSTOL AT TERM Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Venkata Ramana Kodali, Padma Leela Kotipalli, Madhuri Ampilli, Naga Lalitha Kokkiligadda, Mitra Vind... Subject(s):