An improved Neural Kalman Filtering Algorithm in the analysis of cyclic behaviour of concrete specimens Journal title: Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science Authors: Agnieszka Krok Subject(s):
A distributed implementation of parallel genetic algorithm for slope stability evaluation. (Received in the final form October 13, 2010) Journal title: Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science Authors: Piotr E. Srokosz, Chi Tran Subject(s):
EVIDENCE-BASED RESISTANCE TRAINING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MUSCULAR HYPERTROPHY Journal title: Medicina Sportiva Authors: James Fisher, Dave Smith Subject(s):
Bayesian segregation analysis of test-day milk yield in Tunisian Sicilo-Sarde dairy sheep Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: H. Ilahi, M.H. Othmane Subject(s):
The genetic relationship between reproduction traits and milk urea concentration Journal title: Animal Science Papers and Reports Authors: Katarzyna Rzewuska, Tomasz Strabel Subject(s):
The effect of genetically modified feeds on productivity, milk composition, serum metabolite profiles and transfer of tDNA into milk of cows Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: I. Furgał-Dierżuk, J. Strzetelski, M. Twardowska, K. Kwiatek Subject(s):
The effect of genetically modified maize (MON 810) and soyabean meal (Roundup Ready) on rearing performance and transfer of transgenic DNA to calf tissues Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: I. Furgał-Dierżuk, J. Strzetelski, K. Kwiatek, M. Twardowska, Z. Sieradzki, W. Kozaczyński Subject(s):
The relationship between fertility and intermediate optimum type traits in Polish Holstein-Friesian cows Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: W. Jagusiak, E. Ptak, A. Żarnecki Subject(s):
Genetic evaluation of the growth of beef bulls at a performance test station Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: L. Vostrý, Z. Veselá, E. Krupa Subject(s):
Właściwości morfologicznych wariantów pałeczek Escherichia coli Journal title: Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia Authors: Patrycja Zalas-Więcek, Eugenia Gospodarek, Dorota Kamińska Subject(s):
Epigenetics: why it is worth to cultivate the good habits Journal title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science Authors: Gabriela Orłowska-Matuszewska Subject(s):
Epigenetyka, czyli dlaczego warto pielęgnować dobre nawyki Journal title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science Authors: Gabriela Orłowska-Matuszewska Subject(s):
Genetyczne podobieństwo opornych na wankomycynę szczepów Enterococcus faecium izolowanych z materiału klinicznego Journal title: Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia Authors: Andrzej Młynarczyk, Wanda Grzybowska, Agnieszka Mrówka, Stefan Tyski, Grażyna Młynarczyk Subject(s):
Dysmorfologia w praktyce pediatrycznej. Journal title: Standardy Medyczne Pediatria Authors: Subject(s):
Analiza epidemiologiczna zwiększonej częstości izolacji wielolekoopornych Acinetobacter sp. z zastosowaniem techniki PFGE Journal title: Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia Authors: Grzegorz Dubiel, Wanda Kamińska, Bernadeta Dziublewska, Elżbieta Żaloudik Subject(s):