The GeoGraphy SyllabuS in primary educaTion in porTuGal: inTerpreTaTionS by auThorS and (re) inTerpreTaTionS by TeacherS Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Felisbela Martins Subject(s): Education
The Italian Geographers’ Document on the University Education of Future Primary School Teachers Journal title: Review of International Geographical Education Online Authors: Cristiano Cristiano GIORDA, Maria DI PALMA Subject(s):
Appraising the Coverage of Gender in Geography Education in Uganda Secondary Schools Journal title: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal Authors: Prof. Alice Merab Kagoda Subject(s):
COĞRAFYA ÖĞRETMENLERİNİN POPÜLER KÜLTÜR VE HALK KÜLTÜRÜNE YÖNELİK GÖRÜŞLERİ Journal title: Heterotopic View Authors: Ömer Faruk DAĞ, Salih ŞAHİN Subject(s): Social Sciences