ASPECTS OF RESTORING THE EXTENT VILLAGE, TOWN AND CITY COUNCILS AND ADMINISTRATIVE‐TERRITORIAL UNITS FOR STATE LAND CADASTRE Journal title: Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" Authors: V. Y. Peresolyak Subject(s): Agricultural Science
Земельна реформа в Україні: історичний аналіз Journal title: Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" Authors: Б. Б. Баранцов Subject(s): Agricultural Science
Problems of administration of ACCOUNTING OF QUALITY OF LANDs in system of state land of Ukraine Journal title: Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" Authors: О. В. Тихенко Subject(s): Agricultural Science
THEMATIC MAPS FOR ELECTRONIC LARGE-SCALE ATLAS OF EXPERIMENTAL FARMS LAND USE Journal title: Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" Authors: I. Kovalchuk, V. Bogdanets Subject(s): Agricultural Science
IMPROVEMENT OF DATA FORMATION IN THE MODE OF LAND USE AND LAND PLOTS IN THE NEW REGISTRATION FORMS OF THE STATE LAND CADASTRE Journal title: Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" Authors: О. Ф. Ковалишин Subject(s): Agricultural Science
PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FIRST MARKET OF LEASE LAND IN UKRAINE Journal title: Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" Authors: Л. А. Гунько, І. Г. Колганова Subject(s): Agricultural Science
Динаміка землекористування Олешківських пісків: аналіз часового ряду 1987-2017 рр. Journal title: Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" Authors: V. Bogdanets Subject(s): Agricultural Science
The Failure of Implementation of Land Legislations Is a Root Cause of Land Disputes in Cambodia: Case Studies of Beoung Kak Lake and Kampong Speu Sugar Company Journal title: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) Authors: Yen Yat, Prof. Yumin Shi Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Psychology, Music, Agricultural Science, Physical Education, Geography, Health and Wellness
Mapping of biophysical constraints of soils in semi-arid northern transition zone of India by GIS techniques Journal title: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) Authors: Denis M. K. Amara, P. L. Patil Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Psychology, Music, Agricultural Science, Physical Education, Geography, Health and Wellness
Skill mapping towards enhancing employability among final year Graduate and Post graduate students (A case study of some selected instututions in Sambalpur and Shillong) Journal title: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) Authors: Phrangstone Khongji Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Psychology, Music, Agricultural Science, Physical Education, Geography, Health and Wellness
Land Transformation in the Western Periphery of Chandigarh: A Case Study Using Remote Sensing and GIS Journal title: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) Authors: Ravinder Singh, Kumari Preeti Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Psychology, Music, Agricultural Science, Physical Education, Geography, Health and Wellness
Legislative Control over Administration through Committee on Public Accounts Journal title: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) Authors: Anvita Massand Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Psychology, Music, Agricultural Science, Physical Education, Geography, Health and Wellness
Apologetika tentang Kristologi Journal title: Jurnal Jaffray Authors: Jermia Djadi Subject(s): Education, Religion, Theology
Semangat Islam Dalam Kebudayaan Orang Bugis-Makassar Journal title: Jurnal Jaffray Authors: Abu Hamid Subject(s): Education, Religion, Theology