Implementation of the Partnership for SMKN 1 Cihampelas with the Industrial World (DUDI) to improve the competence of graduates Journal title: International Journal of Humanities Education and Social Sciences Authors: Ai Asiah,Achmad Sanusi,Hanafiah,Agus Mulyanto, Subject(s): Education, Humanities, Social Sciences
Management of Industrial Work Practices and Competency Development of Vocational High School Graduates Journal title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research Authors: Indra Prasetia Subject(s): Economics, Humanities, Law, Social Sciences, Literature, Sociology of Education, Criminology, Public Administration
IMPROVEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES COMPETENCE WITH ACADEMIC QUALITY POLICY IN THE ECONOMIC SECTOR OF HIGHER EDUCATION PROVIDERS IN EAST JAVA Journal title: Transformational Language, Literature, and Technology Overview in Learning Authors: Sutrisno Subject(s): Language & Linguistics