Nishadana typica (Distant, 1889) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae): first record from Laos Journal title: Heteroptera Poloniae - Acta Faunistica Authors: Jerzy A. Lis Subject(s):
Rawzah al- Shuhada: from Spurious narratives to creating impression Journal title: تاریخ و فرهنگ Authors: Mostafa Gohari Fakhrabad, Mohmmad Ali Kazembeyki Kazembeyki, Abdolrahim Ghanavat Subject(s):
Raḍawī Dār al-Funūn An Idea for Confronting the Activities of the Presbyterian Mission in Mashhad Journal title: تاریخ و فرهنگ Authors: Mujtabā KhalīFa, ‘Alī NajafzāDa Subject(s):
Aspects of fitness sports pairs dance in dance competition sports style stand-ard performance assessment tests strength – 20M gear swing Journal title: Quality in Sport Authors: Wiesława Pilewska, Paweł Matczak Subject(s): Business Administration, Sports and Recreation, Human Resource Management, Management and Strategy, Entertainment, Sports and Gaming Law, Management and Marketing, Professional Sports
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Uzun Ḥasan Ak Koyunlu and the Campaign against the Georgians Involved in the Struggle with Sultan Muḥammad Fātiḥ Journal title: تاریخ و فرهنگ Authors: Farhad PūRyā NizhāD Subject(s):
The Intentions and Disbursement of Endowed Properties of the Endowers of Mashhad in the First and Second Pahlavi Period Journal title: تاریخ و فرهنگ Authors: AsadullāH NīKmihr, HāDī VakīLī Subject(s):
Story of a Story: A Study of the Formation and Development of the Legend of Oraynib Journal title: تاریخ و فرهنگ Authors: Abd Al-Rahim Qanavat Subject(s):
Analysis of the Indexes of Local Historiography of Khurāsān in the Contemporary Era Journal title: تاریخ و فرهنگ Authors: Abulfazl Hasanabadi Subject(s):
Ibn Sa‘d’s Traditionistic View concerning the Early History of Islam: A Case Study of Imam ‘Alī’s (A.S.) Biography in Al-Tabaqāt al-Kubrā Journal title: تاریخ و فرهنگ Authors: Muhammad Ali Kazem Bayki, Mustafa Gohari Fakhrabad Subject(s):
Masjid-i Shāh of Mashhad and its Inscriptions Journal title: تاریخ و فرهنگ Authors: Muhammad Hasan Elahizadeh, Kubra Muhammad Doust Lashkami, Ali Najafzadeh Subject(s):
The Ways Shī‘a Scholars Reacted to and Opposed the Activities of Presbyterian Missions in Mashhad during 1301-1309 sh. Journal title: تاریخ و فرهنگ Authors: Ali Najafzadeh, Muhammad Hasan Elahizadeh Subject(s):
L’islam, une religion d’ascendance abrahamique? Journal title: NURT SVD Authors: Michel Younès Subject(s):