Ibn Bābawayh’s Method in Criticizing Ḥadīth (Study of the Most Important Indexes of Shaykh Ṣadūq’s Critical Approach to Ḥadīth) Journal title: رهیافتهایی در علوم قرآن و حدیث Authors: Mahdi Jalali Subject(s):
Critique of a Tradition concerning Signs of Lack of Wisdom Journal title: رهیافتهایی در علوم قرآن و حدیث Authors: Mustafa Foroutan Tanha Subject(s):
Critique of Miskawayh’s Viewpoint concerning Humanity’s Index and its Relation to Virtue and Happiness on the Basis of the Qur’ān and Ḥadīth Journal title: رهیافتهایی در علوم قرآن و حدیث Authors: Muhammad Mustafa’I, Hasan Naqizadeh, Abbas Javareshkiyan, Gholamreza Ra’Isiyan Subject(s):
Qumī’s Scholarship in Hadīth as Observed in Safīnat al-Bihār Journal title: رهیافتهایی در علوم قرآن و حدیث Authors: Aliakbar Rabinataj, Medi Taqizade Tabari, Atefe Setoodian Subject(s):
Deliberation on Ḥadīth, “Suddu al-Abwāb” Journal title: رهیافتهایی در علوم قرآن و حدیث Authors: Husayn Ali Kaykha, Sayyid Muhammad Murtazawi, Hasan Naqizadeh Subject(s):
Państwo Islamskie – efemeryda czy trwały trend? Journal title: Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe Authors: Michał Chorośnicki Subject(s):
Big Data – znaczenie, zastosowania i rozwiązania technologiczne Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe PWSZ w Płocku. Nauki Ekonomiczne Authors: Katarzyna Racka Subject(s):
Ocena potencjału energii słonecznej w Warszawie z wykorzystaniem modelu r.sun (Estimating solar energy potential in Warsaw with the „r.sun” model) Journal title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia Authors: Bartosz Czernecki, Katarzyna Jabłońska Subject(s): Geography
The Socio-Economic Orientation of Exchange Rate Policy in Ukraine: Currency Board vs Official Dollarization Journal title: Journal of European Economy Authors: Yevhen Savelyev, Vitalina Kuryliak Subject(s):
DISTORTION OF FACTS AND HISTORY IN ‘MUSLIM STUDIES’ BY IGNAZ GOLDZIHER CHAPTER II AS A MODEL Journal title: Asian Journal Social Sciences & Humanities Authors: Alam Khan Subject(s):
Philosophical Aesthetic and Analysis of the Theory of Aestheticism in Purified (Muṭahhar) Wisdom Journal title: جستارهایی در فلسفه و کلام Authors: Mahdī Ganjvar, Sayyid Mahdī ImāMī Jum‘A Subject(s):
Low Galanin Serum Levels are Associated with Anxiety in Opioid-Maintained Patients Journal title: Journal of Addiction & Prevention Authors: Adrian Groh Subject(s):
Clinical evaluation of the efficacy of Laghu Manjisthadi Kwatha and Chakramardadi Lepa in Dadru (Tinea) Journal title: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences Authors: Subject(s):
Current Treatment Approach of Endometrial Cancer Journal title: International Journal of Clinical Therapeutics and Diagnosis (IJCTD) Authors: Georgios Androutsopoulos Subject(s):
Review on the use of FRP Composites for Facades and Building Skins Journal title: American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Authors: Chiara Bedon Subject(s):