Increased¬ the specificity and sensitivity of monospecific antibody against host cell protein (HCP) in quality control of hepatitis B recombinant vaccine Journal title: Journal of Paramedical Sciences Authors: Seyedeh Marzieh Hosseini, Bahman Tabaraei, Shahin Hadadian, Fereshteh Yavari, Razieh KamaliJamil,... Subject(s):
Investigating DHCP and DNS Protocols Using Wireshark Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Sameena Naaz , Firdoos Ahmad Badroo Subject(s):
Centralized Web Based Allocation and Management Approach towards Private IP Addressing for Providing Mobility and Security Journal title: International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science Authors: Alok Pandey, Dr. Jatinderkumar Saini Subject(s):
IPv6: Threats Posed By Multicast Packets, Extension Headers and Their Counter Measures Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Santosh Naidu P Subject(s):
An Initial Approach to Provide Security in Cloud Network Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology(IJARCET) Authors: Dr. S. Srinivasu , KPR Krishna Chaitanya, , K. Naresh Kumar, Subject(s):
IPv4 Mobility Support Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER TRENDS & TECHNOLOGY Authors: Vattumilli Venkata Rajesh , Mannam Sai Vinod Subject(s):
Dynamic Simulation and Optimum Operation Strategy of a Trigeneration System Serving a Hospital Journal title: American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Authors: Francesco Calise, Massimo Dentice d’Accadia, Luigi Libertini, Edoardo Quiriti, Maria Vicidomini Subject(s):
Application of Theory of Planned Behavior: Intension of Health Care Providers to Initiate Clients for Provider Initiated Counceling and Testing. A Case Study of Gedeo Zone, South Ethiopia Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Yohannes Addisu Subject(s):
Case Report on Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy Journal title: International Journal of Nursing & Midwifery Research Authors: Ms. Shivangi Sharma Subject(s):
Different Possibilities of DHCP Attacks and Their Security Features Journal title: GRD Journal for Engineering Authors: R. Natarajan Subject(s):
PERCEPTION AND EXPERIENCES OF NURSES REGARDING PATIENTS INVOLVEMENT IN HEALTH CARE DECISIONS: AN INTEGRATIVE REVIEW Journal title: International Journal of Applied and Natural Sciences Authors: Enaam Al-Ananbeh, Fathieh Abu -Moghli, Inaam Khalaf Subject(s):
RISING AIR POLLUTION: DEMAND ACTION-DRIVEN ADVOCACY AND BEHAVIOUR CHANGE FOR HEALTHER LIVES Journal title: International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs Authors: Pratibha Chauhan, Rahul Chauhan Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Toxicology, Health and Wellness
Aerosols in Dental Practice- A Neglected Infectious Vector Journal title: Microbiology Research Journal International Authors: N. Raghunath, S. Meenakshi, H. S. Sreeshyla Subject(s):
Performance Investigation of Dmcg-Hcptfet Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: Munni Kumari, Dr.V.Malleswara Rao Subject(s):